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词汇 loss
例句 The mother was frantic with grief at the loss of her child.母亲因失去孩子悲痛欲绝。The insurance company was required to make good on the loss.保险公司被要求赔偿损失。The loss of both her parents at an early age distorted her outlook on life.早年失去双亲扭曲了她的人生观。He bewailed his misfortune and the loss of his most treasured possessions.他为自己遭受的不幸和失去大部分珍贵的财产而悲伤不已。He wept for the loss of his mother and his tardy recognition of her affection.他痛哭流涕,不仅因为失去了母亲,还因为这么晚才认识到了妈妈对他的爱。The team suffered a crushing loss.球队遭到了惨败。The loss jarred his confidence in the team.那次输球动摇了他对球队的信心。He did it in revenge for the loss of his job.他是为报复别人砸了他的饭碗而做这件事的。They have a bona fide claim for the loss.他们索要的赔偿是合理的。Gradual hearing loss often goes unnoticed until substantial damage is done.渐进性听力丧失往往是在不知不觉中发生的,直到听力严重受损才会察觉。The team needs a big turnaround after their loss last week.上周失利之后,球队需要彻底转变。She mourned the loss of her parents.她沉浸在失去双亲的哀痛中。The team was dealt another loss last night. 昨晚球队又输了一场比赛。It was unlike him to be at a loss for words.他一副不知所措的样子,这可不像他。It is a great loss to her.这是她的巨大损失。We can offset the loss against next year's budget.我们可以用明年的预算抵消亏损。They never got over the loss of their son.他们一直没有走出失去儿子的阴影。John was a dead loss - he just stood there and did nothing.约翰真没用——他干站在那里什么也不干。The loss of my wife hit me for six; it took me months to recover.丧妻之痛令我彻底崩溃,几个月之后才恢复过来。It does not necessarily follow that sleep loss would cause these symptoms.由此不一定得出失眠会引起这些症状的结论。The loss of his job knocked his plans into a cocked hat.他一失业计划便统统化作泡影。His insurance guaranteed him against money loss in case of fire.他保的险保障他万一遭受火灾时不受钱财损失。We made a net loss on the transaction.我们这笔交易出现了净亏损。Symptoms of the illness include fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite.这种病的症状包括发烧、极度疲劳以及胃口不好。Her friend was sorrowing over the loss of a child.她的朋友在为失去孩子感到悲痛。Her going will be a great loss to the company.她的离去对公司将是一个巨大的损失。New fashion designs have to be sold off at a loss if sales are poor.新款时装遇上销路不畅就要蚀本卖出。He was at a loss for words.他不知道该说什么。She is disconsolate over the loss of her job.她因失去工作闷闷不乐。I reconciled myself to the loss.我甘心接受损失。Weight loss can be a sign of a serious illness.体重下降可能是重病的信号。She was a wonderful teacher, and her passing is a great loss to the school.她是一位很好的老师,她的去世对于学校来说是一大损失。His loss would be a crushing blow to Liverpool's title hopes.他的缺阵将是对利物浦队夺冠希望的致命打击。The loss of her boy has turned her brain.失去儿子使她精神错乱。The loss of his job hit him like a ton of bricks. 丢掉工作对他是个沉重的打击。The coach was not amused after the loss.失利后,教练很不高兴。Over half of all children in Britain get glue ear at some time before they are 16, and it can lead to permanent hearing loss.超过一半的英国儿童在十六岁之前得过浆液性中耳炎,而这可能导致永久性的失聪。The loss of friends is among the most frequent trials in life.丧友是人生最常遇到的苦痛之一。The inefficiency of the distribution system has led to the loss of millions of tons of food.分销系统的低效已经造成数百万吨食品的损失。No-one rejoices in the loss of life.没有人会为生命的逝去而欣喜。




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