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It's still possible for the losers to be pipped by West Germany for a semi-final place.失利者仍有可能在争夺半决赛权时被西德队击败。They sorted the winners from the losers.他们把获胜者和失败者分开来。Consolidation in any business throws up winners and losers, and the car industry is no exception.所有商业合并都会产生赢家和输家,汽车产业也不例外。They will try to sift out the winners and the losers.他们将努力选出胜方和败方。These blokes are just bad losers who should get a life.这些家伙真是一帮差劲的废物,应该找点有用的事做。The big losers will be the undeveloped countries.大输家将是不发达国家。There were both gainers and losers as a result of the tax changes.税收系统改变后,既有获利者,也有受损者。I'd like to congratulate all our entrants, the winners and the losers.我要祝贺我们所有的参赛者,不管是赢的还是输的。Without struggle there can be no progress, and struggle presupposes winners and losers.没有斗争就没有进步,有斗争就必有胜负。The team has been transformed from perennial losers into real contenders.这个队已经从常败队转变成了有力的竞争者。If the teachers go on strike, the children are the ultimate losers.如果教师罢工,最终受害的将是孩子们。Overall, there were more losers than gainers.总的来看,输家比赢家多。Congratulations to the winners, commiserations to the losers.对胜者表示祝贺,对失败者表示同情。The losers in this society are the homeless and badly housed.这个社会的失败者是无家可归者和居住条件很差的人。The losers walked slowly off the field.输掉比赛的一方慢慢地离开场地。He discarded his club losers on the established spades in dummy.他利用明手已立的黑桃扔出手里的梅花废牌。It's increasingly common for the losers to go out kicking and screaming, and generally making fools of themselves.越来越多输掉比赛的人出来又踢又叫,一般都令自己大出洋相。The big losers will be the undeveloped countries, especially sub-Saharan Africa.受害最深的将是不发达国家,尤其是非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区。When parents split up the real losers are the children.父母离异时真正的受害者是孩子。If the strike continues, the people of Galway will be the real losers.如果罢工继续下去,真正倒霉的将是戈尔韦地区的人。The losers are eliminated, and the winners go on to the next round.失败方被淘汰出局,获胜方进入下一轮比赛。The real losers in this power shift are international organizations.这次权力转移中真正的输家是国际组织。 |