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词汇 loses
例句 This job loses its excitement after a while.这份工作很快就不那么让人兴奋了。He never goes out without he loses his umbrella.他每次出去总是把伞丢失。She never loses her composure. 她总是很镇定。If he loses this match, he'll lose the heavyweight boxing crown. 如果输掉这场比赛,他将失去重量级拳击冠军的称号。My old watch loses a minute every day.我的旧表每天都走慢一分钟。She loses her temper at the drop of a hat.她动不动就发火。Everyone wants to blame the referees when their team loses.自己的球队输球后,人人都会怪罪裁判。At the slightest suggestion of criticism, he loses his temper.即使是一丁点儿批评,他都会发脾气。The skin eventually loses its elasticity.皮肤最终会失去弹性。That horse always loses.那匹马总是输。If he loses the deal, he'll be badly out of pocket.如果他丢掉这笔生意,就会大受损失。Metal loses heat quite quickly.金属散热很快。If he loses the case, he should just take his medicine and stop complaining.如果他打官司失败,他就应该接受应得的惩罚,别再抱怨。What good does it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?一个人如果丧失了灵魂,即使获得了整个世界,对他又何益之有?The land loses its protective cover of vegetation and soon turns into desert.土地失去植被保护就会很快变成沙漠。As the wine ages, it loses its bitter harshness, becoming softer and smoother.在陈酿过程中,葡萄酒的涩口苦味会渐渐淡去,口感变得更加醇和顺滑。Without music, the film loses its integrity.没有音乐,这部电影丧失了完整性。What will you do if the company's stock loses value when you expect it to gain value?当你期待公司股票升值时它却贬值了,你会怎么做?One side effect of the crisis could be that she loses her seat in Parliament.这次危机的一个可能后果是她失去议席。As the skin grows older it loses its elasticity.随着皮肤老化,弹性会慢慢丧失。For each man who loses his job unemployment is a personal catastrophe.失去工作对每个人来说都是一场灾祸。The skin loses its youthful bloom.皮肤失去了年轻时的光泽。If John loses his job, we can wave goodbye to our house .如果约翰失业,我们的房子也就没了。He's always such a sorehead when his baseball team loses.他的棒球队输球时,他就牢骚满腹,抱怨个不停。Douglas plays a frustrated American everyman who suddenly loses control under the pressure of daily life.道格拉斯扮演一个失意的普通美国人,他在日常生活压力下突然失控。Once the insured has sold his policy, he naturally loses all rights to it.一旦被保险人卖出保单,他就自然失去了上面所有的权利。He's a great tennis player, but he turns into a crybaby when he loses.他是一位伟大的网球选手,但他一输球就变得风度很差。If the business loses any more money, we won't be able to balance the books this year.如果企业继续亏损,我们今年将难以达到收支平衡。It's a sad moment when a man loses his job and discovers that he is expendable.一个人丢掉工作并发现自己无足轻重的那一刻会很惨。When moral dilemmas are individualized, one loses sight of the larger social frame.当单独考虑道德上的两难境地时,人们就会忽视大的社会框架。He loses his temper now and then, but not often.他有时要发发脾气,但不是常发。The trip loses some of its luster after you've done it several times.这段旅途走过多次后,就失去了原有的一些光彩。The joke loses something in the translation.这个笑话翻译过来就失去味道了。Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foe alike.沙库尔丧失了对形势仅存的一点判断,无论对敌对友都开始大加挞伐。My watch loses a minute a day.我的表一天慢一分钟。She rarely loses her cool. 她很少发脾气。As the wine ages, it loses its bitter harshness.随着葡萄酒储存时间变长,苦涩的味道就慢慢消失了。Underground, one loses all sense of direction.在地下,人就失去了对方向的一切辨别力。The movie loses momentum toward the end.这部电影快结尾时失去了劲头。Whisky loses strength as it ages.威士忌酒的烈度会随存放时间而降低。




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