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Do you have a valid driver's license?你有有效的驾驶执照吗?The vehicle did not have a current test certificate at the time of the accident.那辆车在发生事故时没有当时有效的检测合格证书。This offer is good for the remainder of the month.本报盘在本月内有效。Getting this job has effectively eliminated his financial worries.找到这份工作有效地消除了他的经济担忧。Costs can be reduced by effective contingency planning.有效的应急计划可降低成本。One sure way to improve your health is to stop smoking.一个有效改善健康的方法就是戒烟。Please supply a valid user password.请提供有效的用户密码。A judge must certify the contract.合同须经法官裁定有效。Oats can be effective in reducing cholesterol.燕麦可以有效降低胆固醇水平。She can be trusted to carry out her duties conscientiously and effectively.我们可以相信她会认真、有效地履行职责。Balloon dilatation is a safe and effective treatment for patients with tight urethral strictures.气囊扩张法是治疗尿道狭窄的一种安全有效的方法。Needs assessment is crucial if the hospital is to deliver effective health care.医院要提供有效的医疗保健,需求评估是关键。On presentation of a valid ticket, passengers may claim a free drink.旅客出示有效票据,即可获赠一份饮料。Our system effectively discourages investment.我们的体系可以有效地抑制投资。The ticket is valid for one month.这票子一个月内有效。Research has consistently and conclusively shown that speed cameras work in reducing speed and casualties.研究结果一致明确表明,超速摄像头对减慢汽车速度和减少伤亡是有效的。This strategy effectively neutralized what the party had hoped would be a vote-winner.这一策略有效地冲淡了该政党希望在选举中获胜的心态。I need to check that your passport is in order.我要检查一下你的护照是否有效。The Irvine group and their collaborators are testing whether lasers do the job better.欧文研究小组和他们的合作伙伴正在测试激光是否会更为有效。No one's work compares with hers for its practicality or efficiency.从实用性和有效性方面来讲,任何人的作品都不能和她的相比。The new rules would effectively block protesters' attempts to assert their rights.新法规将有效地遏止抗议者维权的企图。An efficient accounts set-up can not only save a company money: it can improve its relationship with its clients.有效的账户体系不仅可以给公司省钱,还可以改善公司和客户之间的关系。Window locks are a cheap and effective deterrent.窗户锁是一种价廉、有效的防盗手段。There is no effective deterrent for these young criminals.对这些少年罪犯并没有有效的威慑手段。To govern effectively, he will need a working majority in Congress.为了有效地管理,他需要在国会中获得足够多数票。This offer is good only until the end of the month.本报盘月底前有效。Team captains need to have effective man-management skills.队长需要掌握有效的人员管理技能。A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid.只要药剂师认定处方有效就可按方配药。Those anticancer drugs are effective, but also destructive to white blood cells.那些抗癌药是有效的,但也破坏白细胞。Design engineers are working on ways to make the cars run more efficiently.设计工程师们正在探索能使汽车更加有效行驶的方法。The war was effective in using proxies rather than Western troops.这场战争有效地使用了雇佣军而非西方军队。To function effectively, a party leader has to be attentive to people's needs.党的领导人必须关心人民的需要,才能有效地行使职能。The complicated electoral system effectively guarantees the president's re-election.复杂的选举制度有效地保证总统再次当选。A judge still needs to validate the election.法官还需要声明此次选举结果合法有效。She gave/offered several examples to show that the program is effective.她拿出了几个例子来证明这个计划是有效的。Dark glasses are an effective shield against the glare.墨镜有效地阻隔强光保护眼睛。The Communists effectively infiltrated the government and the political parties.间谍有效地潜入了政府以及各政治党派。A Food and Drug Agency reviewer said the new treatment appears to be working effectively.食品药物监督局的审核人说新的治疗方法看来有效。The drug is an effective agent for the treatment of asthma.这种药是治疗哮喘的有效制剂。Many remedies effective in joint disease are primarily diuretic.许多对关节病有效的药品主要含有利尿成分。 |