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词汇 as though
例句 He breezed through the song as though had been singing it for years.他轻快地唱完那首歌,似乎他多年来一直在唱它。The boy gabbled off the poem as though he neither understood nor enjoyed it.这个小男孩急促而漫不经心地朗诵着诗,他好像既不懂这首诗又不喜欢这首诗。It looks as though the contractors and the aldermen are just so, and fully understand each other.看来承包商和高级市政官员关系密切,彼此都十分谅解。The identity papers looked as though they had been faked.这些身份证件看来好像是伪造的。It looks as though an agreement has now been reached.看来现在似乎达成了协议。It looks as though he is being used as a political pawn by the President.看起来他似乎被总统当作了政治卒子。It looks as though her grandfather's on his last legs.她爷爷看起来快不行了。She often seems to know what I'm thinking, as though she can read my thoughts.她经常似乎知道我在想什么,好像她能读懂我的心思一样。He raised his eyes slightly as though her words might somehow soil him.他略略地抬了抬眼皮,仿佛她的话会不小心玷污了他。People treated me as though I was no better than an animal.人们对待我好像和对待动物一样糟。She whispered, as though invoking the Devil.她低声咕哝着,好像在召唤恶魔。He felt as though he had no worth.他觉得自己似乎一无是处。His bicycle looks as though it's had it.他的自行车看上去已坏得没法收拾了。I began to feel spaced out, as though dulled by drugs.我开始感到恍惚,就好像被毒品麻痹了一样。Her father's face had suddenly tightened as though he was being strangled by invisible hands.她父亲的脸突然僵硬了,仿佛是被无形的双手扼住了脖子。England had a man sent off in the first half, and after that the England team never really looked as though they could win the game.上半场英格兰队有一人被罚下场,那以后英格兰队看上去就再也不像能赢那场比赛了。When his dad left, he felt as though his world had turned upside-down.爸爸出走后,他觉得自己的世界完全乱了套。I felt as though the other women were excluding me.我觉得好像其他女人都在排斥我。The soldiers bantered with him as though he was a kid brother.士兵们打趣他,就好像他是个小弟弟。He started humming a tune, then interpolated the odd word as though having difficulty remembering.他开始哼唱一支曲子,然后却插入了个怪词,好像想不起词似的。It looked as though the most direct route was through the forest.看起来最直接的路线好像是穿越森林。She sounded as though she were on the verge of hysterics.她听上去似乎就要抓狂了。Her hair, eyelashes, teeth and bosom looked as though they owed more to art than nature.她的头发、睫毛、牙齿和胸部更像是人工所为,而非天生如此。It was as though he had been spirited away.他似乎被悄悄转移了。He had his hands together as though in prayer.他双手合十,好像在做祈祷。He believes in atheism as though it were a new religion.他信奉无神论就像信仰一种新的宗教。It seemed as though the whole city had turned out for their team's triumphant homecoming.几乎全城的人都出来欢迎自己的队伍凯旋归来。He hesitated, as though he had lost his train of thought.他犹豫不决,好像没了思路。He spoke as though he wanted to close the conversation.他说话的语气像是要结束谈话似的。With his body so tense, it seemed as though he were listening for something.他身子紧绷着,像是在谛听什么。They looked at her as though she was crackers.他们那样看着她,好像她疯了一样。I thought it looked as though the battery was going.我看电池好像该换了。They looked at me as though I were the devil incarnate.他们看着我,就像我是魔鬼的化身一样。There were circles under her eyes, as though she had not slept.她下眼圈发黑,仿佛没有睡过觉。Company profits are rising and it looks as though this is going to be a record-breaking year.公司利润持续增长,看上去今年的利润要破纪录了。Crumple up the bedclothes so it looks as though you slept there.把床铺弄皱,装成你睡过的样子。They feel shame and guilt as though it is their fault.他们觉得羞愧和内疚,就好像这是他们的错。It looks as though this dog has been mistreated by its owner.这条狗看上去像是受了主人的虐待。I felt as though all the romance had gone out of my marriage.我觉得好像我的婚姻中已经没有了浪漫。At the start it looked as though Italy would win, but Argentina improved as the game went on.起先似乎是意大利队会赢,但随着比赛的进行,阿根廷队越踢越好。




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