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词汇 asthma
例句 His illness left him subject to asthma attacks.他的病使他容易哮喘发作。Some respiratory symptoms can be the forerunners of asthma.一些呼吸系统的症状可能是患哮喘的先兆。He suffers from chronic asthma.他患有慢性哮喘。Attacks of asthma decrease in frequency through early adult life.成年早期,哮喘的发病频率会降低。The report ascribes the rise in childhood asthma to the increase in pollution.这份报告认为儿童哮喘发病率上升是因为污染加剧。Her asthma has flared up again. 她的哮喘病又突然复发了。We have thousands of asthma cases a year.我们每年接诊的哮喘病例达数千起。The drug is set to become the treatment of choice for asthma worldwide.这种药将会成为全世界治疗哮喘的首选。The little girl has been suffering from an attack of asthma.那个小女孩的气喘一再发作。Epinephrine is used medicinally to treat asthma.肾上腺素被用来治疗哮喘。She suffers from asthma.她患有哮喘。Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia.大多数哮喘或肺炎患者无需住院。The drug is an effective agent for the treatment of asthma.这种药是治疗哮喘的有效制剂。He established a relation between asthma and certain types of work.他证实了哮喘与某些工种之间的关联。Air pollution may aggravate a child's asthma.空气污染可能会加重儿童哮喘。The sessions will enable you to discuss problems with fellow asthma sufferers.这些聚会活动将使你有机会与其他哮喘病患者一起讨论问题。She had another flare-up of her asthma.她的哮喘病突然复发了。Researchers have now established a connection between air pollution and asthma.研究人员现在已经确定了空气污染与哮喘之间有联系。Frequently sufferers of this kind of allergy are also sufferers of asthma.患有这种过敏症的人也经常会患有哮喘病。The survey shows a link between asthma and air pollution.调查表明哮喘病与大气污染有关。A damp flat is no place for someone with asthma.潮湿的套房不适合患有哮喘病的人居住。One of the major allergens causing asthma is house dust.引起哮喘的主要变应原之一是室内尘埃。The drug is set to become the treatment of choice for asthma worldwide.这种药物很有可能成为全世界首选的抗哮喘药。His asthma was acting up and he wheezed throughout the show.他哮喘病发作起来,整个表演他都气喘不止。Australia has such a high number of asthma sufferers.澳大利亚的哮喘病患者为数众多。She had a severe attack of asthma and it took an hour to recover her breath.她的哮喘病严重发作,一个小时后呼吸才恢复正常。I've got asthma.我得了哮喘。The worst thing about asthma is feeling that you can't breathe.哮喘最让人头疼的就是感到气接不上来。One of my students suddenly had an attack of asthma and I didn't know what to do.我的一个学生哮喘突然发作,我不知该如何是好。In moments of stress, his asthma always flares up.在有压力的时候,他的哮喘总会加剧。Evidence suggests a link between asthma and pollution.有证据显示哮喘和污染有关系。She suffers from asthma attacks.她患有哮喘。Allergy to cats is one of the commonest causes of asthma.对猫类过敏是哮喘病发作最常见的诱因之一。Compensation is available for people who have developed asthma as a direct result of their work.直接因工作原因患上哮喘的人会获得赔偿。His asthma gets the best of him from time to time.他的哮喘病时时发作,使他不支。Poor families suffer disproportionately from asthma.贫困家庭患上哮喘病的人数更多。His asthma acts up when it's cold outside.外面天气冷的话他的哮喘病就会发作。Stress can bring on an asthma attack.精神压力会引起哮喘。She suffers from bronchial asthma.她患有支气管哮喘。Stress can trigger an attack of asthma.压力有可能诱发哮喘。




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