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词汇 最后决定
例句 It was decided she had to stay another ninety days.最后决定她还得再待九十天。We've finally fixed on the Lake District for our summer holiday.我们最后决定在湖区度暑假。After weeks of fruitless argument they finally agreed to go their separate ways.经过几周毫无结果的争论之后,他们最后决定各走各的路。Reporters continue to play a guessing game as they wait to hear her final decision. 在等待她做出最后决定期间,记者们继续做着各种猜测。The Prisoner Review Board can recommend that a prisoner is released, but Illinois Gov. Jim Edgar has the final say.囚犯审查委员会可以建议释放一名犯人,但伊利诺伊州州长吉姆·埃德加拥有最后决定权。The hour of reckoning had come. 最后决定的时刻终于来临了。I waffled a lot before finally deciding to take the job.我犹豫了很久,最后决定接受这份工作。I finally settled on a Mercedes estate.最后决定买一辆梅塞德斯客货两用车。Let the final decision hang over until next month.留到下个月再作最后决定吧。We debated whether to fly or go by train, finally deciding on the train.我们讨论了是乘飞机呢还是坐火车,最后决定坐火车。The exact amount has not been finally decided.准确的数量尚未最后决定He seemed to care less and less about the band, and eventually decided to leave.他对乐队似乎越来越不关心,最后决定离开。All prospective students are interviewed by alumni before a final decision is made.所有准学生都要经过校友的面试再作最后决定Anyway, in the end we decided to stay at home.总之,我们最后决定呆在家里。Our holiday plans are still at an indeterminate stage.我们的度假计划仍未最后决定下来。They thought of going to Madeira or mainland Spain, but finally plumped for the Canary Islands.他们考虑过去马德拉群岛,也考虑过去西班牙本土,但最后决定去加那利群岛。Our client hasn't reached a firm decision on the matter yet.我们的客户在这件事上还未作出最后决定I must contact my lawyer before I make my final decisions.在作出最后决定之前,我必须先同我的律师联系一下。We kicked that suggestion around and in the end decided to go ahead.我们对那个提议进行了讨论,最后决定着手进行。Karen and David weighed up the pros and cons of having another child and decided against it.卡伦和戴维权衡了再要一个孩子的利和弊,最后决定不要。The officials have final authority when making decisions.官员们拥有最后决定权。The congress has the last word in declaring war.对于宣战,国会有最后决定权。I was so tired that I decided against going to the party after all.我实在太累了,因此最后决定不去参加聚会。The Emperor has the final say-so on everything.皇帝对一切都有最后决定权。We looked over several apartments before finally choosing this one.我们看了好几套公寓,最后决定买这一套。The White House has the final say.白宫掌握着最后决定权。My understanding is we have not yet made any final decisions.根据我的理解,我们还没有作出最后决定




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