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词汇 agitated
例句 His fiery speech agitated the crowd.他激昂的演说鼓动了听众。She became increasingly agitated as the interview proceeded.随着面试的进行,她越来越躁动不安。Susan seemed agitated about something.苏珊似乎在为什么事而烦恼。She's agitated about getting there on time.她十分担心能否按时到那里。If the patient is in an agitated state, he may go first to the seclusion room.如果病人处于激动狂躁的状态,他可能先被送往隔离室。The fiery speech agitated the crowd.充满激情的演说使人群狂热不已。They vigorously agitated for women's right to abortion.他们开展了强有力的鼓动工作以争取妇女堕胎权。Its molecules can be agitated by microwave energy.微波能量可以使其分子随之运动。The machine agitated the mixture.机器搅动混合物。The man in the house was in a very excited and agitated state.房子里的那名男子情绪非常激动且焦灼不安。The woman's stiff, agitated walk showed how nervous she was.那个女人僵直、局促不安的步态说明她有多紧张。The wind agitated the leaves.风吹得树叶颤动。He sounded very agitated on the phone.他在电话中听起来十分焦虑。The dog became very agitated during the storm.这只狗在暴风雨大作时变得非常狂躁不安。He was obviously agitated.他明显很焦虑。Amanda was getting visibly agitated.看得出来,阿曼达紧张不安。Her agitated knocking at the window went unheeded.没人答理她焦急的敲窗声。She started to grow agitated at the sight of the spider.看到蜘蛛她就心烦意乱起来。He was upset, even agitated.他很心烦,甚至可以说是烦躁不安。Furious, the workers agitated for a strike.工人们愤怒地鼓动罢工。Susan seemed agitated about something.苏珊似乎因为什么事而烦躁不安。The baby became noticeably more agitated.这个婴儿很明显变得躁动起来。Following the main shock of an earthquake tremors agitated the city from time to time.主震之后,余震不时摇晃着这座城市。The man was in a very excited and agitated state.男子的情绪非常激动不安。I kept some tranquillizers in reserve in case I became agitated.我备了一些镇静药,以供激动时服用。His threats become more intense, agitated, and frequent.他发出的威胁更显言辞激烈、焦虑不安,也更为频繁。I've never seen her so agitated before.我以前从没见过她这么焦虑不安。The thought of this agitated her.想到这个她就觉得烦恼。With the memory of the bombing fresh in her mind, Eleanor became increasingly agitated.对轰炸记忆犹新的埃莉诺变得越来越焦躁不安。The news plunged the nation into a febrile, agitated state.这个消息令该国举国上下躁动不安。By now he was in a very agitated state.此前他一直焦虑不安。She suddenly became very vehement and agitated, jumping around and shouting.她突然变得激动狂躁,四处乱跳还大喊大叫。The mixture is heated and then agitated.混合液加热后搅动一下。




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