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词汇 allies
例句 Then he switched sides and turned against his former allies.后来他改变立场,转而反对他原来的盟友。His skilful / skillful diplomacy has secured new European allies.他巧妙的外交手段拿下了新的欧洲盟友。The allies landed thousands of airborne troops.同盟国投放了数千名空降兵。Baker was smoothing out differences with European allies.贝克正在努力消除同欧洲盟国之间的分歧。He has kept faith with his old political allies.他对自己的老政治同盟一直信守承诺。They were supposed to be our allies but they didn't stand by us when war broke out.他们本应是我们的盟友,但是战争爆发的时候却没有支持我们。His allies restored the king to the throne.他的盟友使国王重新登上王位。It seems improbable that America's allies will oppose the proposed arms reduction.美国的盟国似乎不大可能反对它提出的裁减武器的建议。The allies threatened economic reprisals against the invading country.盟国以经济报复威胁入侵国。We cannot stand by and watch while our allies are attacked.盟友受到攻击时我们不能袖手旁观。He has much skill in finding allies in Congress.他很善于在国会中找到盟友。These new developments are being watched with discomfort by many of our allies.我们的众多同盟国都不安地注视着事态的新进展。The countries are still allies, but the special relationship, such as it was, ended long ago.这些国家仍是同盟国,但那种特殊的关系,虽然不怎么样,早就结束了。If you're going to succeed in this job you will need allies.如果你要在这个工作上成功,你就需要支持者。Washington would not take such a step without its allies' approval.没有盟国的同意,华盛顿不会采取这种行动。The allies landed thousands of airborne troops.盟军空投了数千人的空降部队。The allies are intensifying their air campaign.盟军正在加大空袭力度。Many allies are pushing to lift the embargo.许多同盟国在努力争取取消贸易禁令。The allies have launched several strikes.盟军已经发动了数次进攻。He needs to get some of his allies to confound that argument.他需要找一些盟友来驳倒那个论点。The allies are intensifying their air campaign.联军部队正加大他们的空战强度。The President did not anticipate any need to activate the allies' rapid reaction force.总统不曾预见到需要动用盟军快速反应部队。England and Russia were allies in the Second World War.英国和俄国在二次世界大战中是盟国。During the First World War, Turkey and Germany were allies/Turkey was an ally of Germany.在第一次世界大战期间,土耳其和德国是盟国/土耳其是德国的盟国。The more obvious potential allies are Ireland, Denmark and, to a lesser degree, the Netherlands.最可能成为盟国的有爱尔兰和丹麦,放宽些还可以把荷兰算上。The administration has fallen into step with its European allies on this issue.在这个问题上,政府与欧洲各盟国步调一致起来。The events were a reversal for the government and its allies.这些事件对于该政府及其盟友来说是个挫折。Even his closest allies describe him as forceful, aggressive and determined.即使他最亲密的盟友也认为他强硬决断、咄咄逼人,不达目的誓不罢休。We strongly condemn this attack against our allies.我们强烈谴责这次针对我们盟国的攻击。The arithmetic is finely balanced: the socialists and their allies do not have an overall majority.该估算是经过仔细权衡的:社会主义者和他们的同盟并不占绝大多数。We're consulting with our allies and coalition partners.我们正在与盟友及合作伙伴协商。During the battle the allies suffered/sustained/took/experienced heavy losses.盟军在那场战役中伤亡惨重。The allies say they will treat their prisoners decently.同盟国称他们将善待战俘。He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.他相信盟友们会履行他们的承诺。They were political allies who truly/genuinely liked each other.他们是真诚相待的政界盟友。The allies found it hard to agree among themselves.盟友发现他们很难达成一致意见。The dilemma facing the country's allies was even more serious.这个国家的盟国面临的两难困境更加严峻。The country's decision to go to war has caused a major dilemma for its allies.这个国家的参战决定使其盟国深陷窘境。The allies lost their hold on the south of the country.盟军丧失了对该国南部的控制。Troops were sent at the request of our allies.军队应盟国的要求被派遣出去了。




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