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词汇 alliance
例句 It was an uneasy alliance.那是一个不稳定的联盟。In the formative years their alliance carried all before it.他们在结成同盟的初期所向无敌。It was an alliance of convenience, not of conviction.这是一个基于利益而非信任的联盟。The countries formed a brittle alliance.这些国家形成了脆弱的同盟。They entered into an alliance.他们结成了联盟。The two countries have forged a strong alliance.两国建立了牢固的同盟关系。There is disagreement within the alliance about how to deal with this problem.对于如何处理这个问题联盟内部存在分歧。The two parties were still too much apart to form an alliance.两党分歧甚大,还远未能结成同盟。The prospects for an alliance between the two nations do not look good.两国结盟的前景不佳。In order to maintain a credible threat of intervention, we have to maintain a credible alliance.为了保持确实有效的干预威胁,我们必须维持可靠的联盟。To cement the alliance with England, Charles married Margaret, sister of the English king.为了巩固与英格兰的联盟,查理娶了英格兰国王的妹妹玛格丽特。The military alliance announced a string of major decisions on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia.该军事同盟宣布了关于伊拉克、阿富汗和波斯尼亚的一系列重大决定。The two parties formed an alliance.两党结成了同盟。If the government does fall it will be because of this unholy alliance between the far right and the left.如果政府真的倒台了,那一定是因为极右翼势力和左翼势力的诡异联盟。The article condemns what some say is an unholy alliance between government and media.这篇文章谴责某些人所言是政府和媒体之间的邪恶联盟。All the countries have proclaimed their loyalty to the alliance.所有的国家都表明了他们对联盟的忠诚。An alliance of radical opposition parties hopes to gain a parliamentary majority in tomorrow's poll.一个激进的反对党联盟希望在明天的议会投票中获得多数席位。If de Gaulle entertained hopes of an alliance, he was to be swiftly disappointed.如果戴高乐心存联盟的希望,他很快就会失望的。They joined with a ramshackle alliance of other rebels.他们和一个由其他反叛者草草拼凑成的同盟联起手来。On the face of it, their marriage seems an improbable alliance.表面上看,他们的婚姻似乎是个荒谬的结合。The alliance was ultimately successful in getting its message across.该联盟最终成功地传达了自己的信息。The government decided to join a defensive alliance with several other nations.政府决定与其他几个国家结成防御联盟。We need to form/forge/encourage a closer alliance between government and industry.我们需要在政府和产业之间形成/促成一种更加紧密的联盟。But in order to maintain a credible threat of intervention, we have to maintain a credible alliance.然而,为了保持确实有效的干预威胁,我们必须维持可靠的联盟。This venture is seen as an acid test of the alliance.这次冒险被视为对同盟的决定性考验。The uneasy alliance between these two men offered a glimmer of hope.两人之间不够稳固的联合给了人们一线希望。The organization is a broad alliance of many different groups.这个组织是许多不同团体的广泛联盟。The uneasy alliance between such different people just cannot last.如此不同的人之间不稳定的联盟维持不了很长的时间。The nation is not prepared to sacrifice its independence for the sake of an alliance with a powerful neighbour.该国不愿意为了与一个强大的邻国结盟而牺牲本国的独立。The two countries entered into a defensive alliance.两国订立了防御同盟。So far the French alliance had profited the rebels little.到目前为止叛军都没有从法国同盟那里获得什么好处。The alliance is the product of months of negotiation between the two parties.这个联盟是双方多月谈判的结果。The government, in alliance with the army, has decided to ban all public meetings for a month.政府和军队结成联盟,决定禁止所有公众集会,为期一个月。There are signs that the alliance is now fraying at the edges.有迹象表明该联盟现在正开始瓦解。Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.该联盟的每一位成员国都同意采取其认为必要的行动,包括动用武力。The alliance between the two parties is irreducible.这两党之间的联盟是不会削弱的。The two countries signed a treaty to solidify their alliance.两国签订了条约以巩固双方的联盟。The company contracted an alliance with a former competitor.公司与过去的一个竞争对手结成了同盟。The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary.联盟已准备好采取必要行动。The ruling party lost the electoral battle to the opposition alliance.执政党在这场选举战中败于反对党联盟。




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