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词汇 all fours
例句 The baby crawled away on all fours.小宝宝四肢着地爬走了。You'll have to get down on all fours to clean behind the toilet.你得趴到地上才能擦洗到马桶后面的区域。He was down on all fours playing with the puppy.他趴在地上跟小狗玩。He went up the steep path on all fours.他手足并用地攀爬上陡峭的小路。Since apes walk on all fours, they have long, extremely burly arms.猿行走时四肢并用,因此前肢很长,并且极其结实。He crawled, slowly, on all fours, through the crowd.他四肢着地在人群中慢慢爬行。The example is on all fours with the other.这个例子与另一个例子完全对应。She was crawling around on all fours like a dog.她手脚并用,像狗一样爬来爬去。The toddler walked towards me, hands splayed as if about to fall on all fours.学步的孩子向我走来,双手张开着,仿佛快要趴倒在地上似的。The examples are not on all fours.这些例子并不完全一致。We got down on all fours and looked under all the seats.我们趴在地上查看了所有座位下面。He fell on all fours.他跌得趴在地上。She crawled on all fours over to the window.她匍匐着爬向窗户。The decision I have quoted is on all fours with this case.我引证的裁决完全适用于这一案件。




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