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词汇 曝光
例句 There was much glee among journalists over the leaked letter.曝光的信件让记者们乐不可支。The investigation exposed huge failings in the system of medicines regulation.调查曝光了药品监管系统中存在的巨大缺陷。The revelations of child abuse at the home have come as a profound shock to parents and social workers.家庭虐儿事件的一次次曝光令家长和社会工作者大为震惊。What kind of exposure should I use for a dark subject on a light background?我该采用哪种曝光模式来拍摄浅色背景下的深色物体?It is in the public interest that sleaze is exposed. But it's time to call off the lynch mob.曝光肮脏行为符合公众利益,但是围攻批评的做法则应该叫停了。When a reporter revealed classified information, the source of the leak was investigated.一名记者曝光了机密情报后,泄密的源头被追查。If the front page exposé harmed him, then tough titty.如果报纸头版的曝光伤害了他,那他活该。After the corruption was revealed, the police chief decided it was time to clean house.那次腐败事件曝光后,警察局长决定要进行内部整顿。Although deeply shamed by his exposure, he bounced back.尽管被曝光后倍感羞耻,他还是重新振作了起来。When the extent of the pollution became known, the company was publicly rebuked by the Governor.污染程度曝光后,州长公开指责了这家公司。They smoked out the plot.他们曝光了这个阴谋。He became fodder for the tabloids when scandal after scandal was revealed.一个又一个丑闻被曝光后,他成了花边小报的素材。Bracketing exposures isn't difficult with this camera.这台相机不难进行包围曝光以确定曝光量。She was debarred from receiving the scholarship when her criminal record came to light.她的犯罪记录曝光后,她被禁止领取奖学金。In the wake of recent accounting scandals, new cases have come to light.继最近几宗会计丑闻之后,又有新案件曝光The government's argument broke down completely when new evidence came to light.新证据一经曝光,政府的辩解就完全站不住脚了。A massive public outcry followed the revelations of ballot-rigging.选举舞弊的事曝光之后发生了大规模的公众抗议。She courts publicity by inviting journalists to extravagant parties.她邀请新闻记者参加奢华聚会来谋求曝光度。The revelation of her gambling problem followed her bankruptcy.她破产了,她的赌博问题也随之曝光At the end of the play the villain is unmasked.反角的身份在剧终时曝光了。I can always plead ignorance if it ever comes out.万一这事曝光,我随时都可以推说我不知道。The trouble with her is she needs her daily fix of publicity.她的问题在于她每天都想要在媒体上曝一曝光The color fades when exposed to light.这颜色曝光后会褪色。He grew tired of living in the glare of the television cameras.他开始厌倦了在电视上曝光的生活。The government will also name and shame the worst performing airlines.政府还将曝光业绩最差的航空公司。Officials have uncovered a conspiracy to discredit the government.官员们曝光了一起企图败坏政府名声的阴谋。He hates the harsh light of publicity.他非常讨厌公开曝光带来的困扰。The organization has helped to expose human slavery rings.该组织促使人口奴役团伙得以曝光The revelations about the President's university life were to prove deeply embarrassing to him.总统的大学生活曝光给他带来极大的难堪。We intend to name and shame companies which use child labour.我们打算曝光那些雇用童工的公司。The prisoners were paraded in front of the TV cameras.囚犯在电视摄影机前曝光A slow film needs more exposure than a fast film to capture an image.相对于感光快的胶片,感光慢的胶片需要更长时间的曝光才能捕捉影像。It will come out that she has covertly donated considerable sums to the IRA.她暗中给爱尔兰共和军提供了大笔资助的事情即将曝光In the darkroom they found that only half the film had been exposed.在暗室里他们发现只有一半胶卷经过了曝光Investigative journalists exposed the company's financial sleight of hand.调查记者曝光了那家公司的财务花招。The more successful you become, the more publicity you get and that publicity generates sales. It's a kind of snowball effect.你越成功,你的媒体曝光度也高,这种曝光度可产生销售额。这是一种雪球效应。The corporation's wrongdoings must be exposed.这家公司的不法行为必须被曝光After exposure a faint image is visible.曝光之后一个模糊的图像隐约可见。Another plot to assassinate General de Gaulle was uncovered.又一起暗杀戴高乐将军的密谋曝光He achieved sudden notoriety when the details of his private life were revealed.私生活的细节曝光后,他一下子变得臭名昭著。




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