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词汇 崇尚
例句 Over time, Redondo's advocacy of violence would become even more strident.随着时间的流逝,雷东多会越发崇尚暴力。We support family values, hard work, and helping each other.我们崇尚家庭价值、辛勤工作以及互相帮助。An avowed traditionalist, he is against reform of any kind.他公开宣称自己是个崇尚传统的人,反对任何形式的改革。I believe in progression, in taking risks, in never getting stale.崇尚进取、冒险和永不倦怠。We believe in the freedom of the individual.我们崇尚个人自由。Washington looks like a poster boy for strength and athleticism.华盛顿看上去是个典型的体魄强健、崇尚运动的人。The company represented the antithesis of everything he admired.那家公司与他所崇尚的一切完全相反。He always believed in living life to the full.他一向崇尚要好好享受生活。He himself believed in freedom, so much so that he would rather die than live without it.他非常崇尚自由,不自由,毋宁死。We're in an era of fitness and health worship.我们处在一个崇尚健康的时代。




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