例句 |
They were exposed to high levels of radiation.他们被暴露于高强度辐射中。Dress the wound quickly, to reduce the length of time it is exposed to infection.赶快包扎伤口,以缩短其暴露于外以致受感染的时间。Sunlight has caused the rubber to perish.橡胶因暴露于阳光下而老化。The postponement of difficult decisions left the government dangerously exposed to American influence.迟迟不作难作的决定,使政府危险地暴露于美国的影响下。Why do we still sunbathe when we know the dangers of exposing our skin to the sun?我们明白让皮肤暴露于阳光下的危险,可为什么还要进行日光浴呢? |