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词汇 融化
例句 Snowflakes were melting in her hair.雪花在她的头发里融化The thaw will mire roads and fields.融化的冰雪将使道路和田野变成一片泥沼。The only sound was the drip of melting snow.只能听到积雪融化的滴水声。I wrapped the ice cream in three thicknesses of newspaper to keep it cool.我用三层报纸包裹冰淇淋使其不致变热融化The melting of ice caps is a prime example of the effects of global warming.冰盖融化是全球变暖影响的一个典型例证。The snow had started to thaw, and there was a faint scent of spring in the air.积雪开始融化,空气中有了一丝春天的气息。A trickle of melted butter made its way down his chin.一滴融化了的黄油顺着他的下巴向下滑。The recipe calls for oodles of melted chocolate.这个食谱需要大量融化的巧克力。The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid.雪已经融化了,但是湖里的冰依然冻得很结实。Cakes of ice slowly dissolved into puddles.冰块慢慢地融化成一个个水洼。The chocolate had melted and was all over the inside of her pocket.巧克力融化了,弄得她口袋里全是。Just let the chocolate melt in your mouth. It's sheer ecstasy!就让巧克力在你口中融化。那真是美妙的享受!The sun will soon thaw the snow and ice.太阳很快就会融化冰雪。The snow is melting.雪正在融化The weather is beginning to thaw.天气开始转暖使冰雪融化了。Melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the sugar.把黄油放在平底锅里融化,然后拌入糖。And when he smiled, he melted even my heart.他微笑时甚至可以融化我的心。The polar ice-caps are melting as a result of global warming.极地冰盖因全球变暖而融化It was such a hot day that the butter ran.那天天气热得连黄油都融化了。Nina licked the melted chocolate off her fingers.尼娜舔去手指上融化了的巧克力。The snow is finally melting.雪终于融化了。When the butter has melted, stir in the soy sauce and ginger.黄油融化后,把酱油和生姜搅拌进去。The snow has already melted away.雪已经慢慢融化了。The ice cream was melting and oozing out of its wrapper.这块冰激凌在融化,从包装纸渗了出来。The rate at which an ice cube melts depends on its surface area.冰块的融化速度取决于它的表面积。Warmth melted some of the polar ice.温暖的天气融化了一些极地的冰雪。The sun came out and thawed the ice.太阳出来了,冰雪开始融化As our climate warms up, the polar ice caps will begin to melt.随着我们的气候逐渐变暖,极地的冰冠也将开始融化Most of the snow will be melted by midday.大部分积雪在中午前就会融化Melt the chocolate slowly so that it doesn't burn.将巧克力慢慢融化,这样就不会烧焦。As the snows melt, the floodwaters rise.积雪融化时洪水上涨。When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt.当新娘伴着激动人心的乐曲走在教堂的走廊上时,即便最冰冷的心都会融化The meltwater puddled the flat sea ice.融化的冰水在平坦冰冻的海面上形成许许多多的水坑。Our discussion included topics such as acid rain and the melting of polar ice.我们的讨论涉及各种话题,例如酸雨和极地冰层融化The melting snow exposed the spring flowers.积雪融化了,春天的花朵显露出来。The last patches of snow melted on the field.最后的几堆残雪在田野里融化了。A much easier way of clarifying the butter is to pass it through a clean tea towel or damp cheesecloth after melting.净化黄油有一种简单得多的方法,就是将其融化后用干净的茶巾或潮湿的干酪包布过滤。The ice melted quickly in the hot sun.冰在烈日下很快就融化了。The snow is melting. Spring is nigh.冰雪开始融化,春天即将来临。Climate change is causing the polar ice cap to melt.气候变化导致极地的冰盖融化




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