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词汇 晚上
例句 Was an evening with Peter in their company preferable to being left at home alone?晚上和彼得在他们的公司呆着是不是比一个人留在家里好一些?Many women feel panicky travelling home at night alone.很多女性晚上一个人回家时都提心吊胆。Most nights Jan helps the kids with their homework.大多数晚上简都会指导孩子们做家庭作业。Friday night is his night out with the boys.星期五晚上是他和朋友们出去的时候。I'll switch on the washing machine last thing so it'll be finished when I get up in the morning.晚上睡觉前我会开启洗衣机,这样等我早晨起床后衣服就洗好了。If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.如果只是在晚上头疼,那常常是由于缺乏新鲜空气和氧气的缘故。We spent the evening hopping from one night club to another.我们晚上从一家俱乐部玩到了另一家俱乐部。Sessions run in the evenings to allow working parents to attend.授课安排在晚上,便于有工作的家长能来听课。The troops made a sally at night.部队在晚上突围了。What do you call your evening meal?你们怎么叫晚上那餐饭?His breathing was getting worse and he was not expected to last the night.他的呼吸越来越弱,估计熬不过这个晚上At night the harbour lights up.到了晚上,海港灯火通明。Let's spend the evening in watching TV.晚上我们待在家里看电视吧。Most evenings I can't be bothered cooking.大多数晚上我都懒得做饭。Try to get all your things ready for school the night before.前一天晚上尽量把上学所需的东西都准备好。I like to relax with a pipe of an evening.我喜欢在晚上抽一斗烟放松放松。Good wine, excellent food, and interesting company - it all added up to a splendid evening.美酒佳肴、良友作伴,这一切构成了一个极为美妙的晚上The wind had gone down but the night had turned chilly.风已减弱,但晚上更冷了。Fred and Volodia sweltered at night in the stuffy, crowded cabins.弗雷德和博洛迪亚晚上挤在不通风的船舱里热得要命。The stars can only be seen shining in the sky in the nighttime.只有在晚上才能看见星星在天空中闪烁。John wandered aimlessly all day and returned to his gloomy room in the evening.约翰整天漫无目的地逛来逛去,晚上则回到他那阴暗的小屋去。They're stopping over in Malaysia for a couple of nights on the way to Australia.他们在去澳大利亚的途中要在马来西亚逗留几个晚上Thanks for letting me spend the night at your place.谢谢你让我在你家度过了这个晚上He warned me against going outside alone at night.他提醒我晚上不要单独出去。One evening the film company arranged a formal dinner after the play.一天晚上,电影公司在演出结束后安排了一个正式的晚宴。The rest of the evening passed pleasantly enough.晚上剩余的时间过得十分愉快。They have drama classes at the arts centre every Thursday night.他们每个星期四晚上在艺术中心上戏剧课。Martin noticed him no more that evening, except once when he observed him chaffing with great apparent success with several of the young women.那个晚上马丁没有再留心他。 只有一回注意到他踉几个年轻妇女开着玩笑,显然非常成功。In the evening we reached Lake Ladoga, a huge inland sea.晚上我们到达了拉多加湖,这是一个巨大的内陆湖。The manager gave the store a final checkup before closing for the night.经理在晚上打烊前对商店作了最后检查。By the time he gets home there won't be much evening left.每当他回到家里,晚上的时间已经剩下不多了。Being a professional actor of necessity means working nights and weekends.当专职演员势必晚上和周末都要上班。There's a big ginger cat that's taken to coming in our house at night.有一只姜黄色的大猫到了晚上就会走进我们家里来。He's been studying hard for exams. Plus he's been working in a bar at night.他最近在用功复习迎考,而且晚上还在一家酒吧里工作。We go to the movies almost every Saturday night.我们几乎每个星期六晚上都去看电影。Half the pleasure of an evening out is getting ready.晚上外出时一半的乐趣在于出门前的准备。If you do most of the cooking beforehand, you'll enjoy the evening more.如果你事先把大部分菜做完了,这个晚上你会玩得更开心。They spent their evenings drinking wine and sharing confidences.晚上他们都是以喝喝酒、说说知心话打发的。Many of the stations are unmanned in the evening.许多车站晚上无人管理。The wind will die down in the evening.晚上风势将渐渐减弱。




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