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词汇 有把握
例句 Just quantifying your financial goals will make you feel more in control of your future.用数字来表示你的财政目标可使你对未来感到更有把握I was absolutely sure this was the career for me.我绝对有把握,这就是适合我的职业。He said he was very confident that the scheme would be successful.他说他非常有把握这个计划会成功。It is a safe assumption that she was very disappointed.可以有把握地推断,她很失望。We can confidently state that the product is safe.我们可以有把握地说,这种产品是安全的。He insured himself against failure by treating only people he was sure he could cure.他仅仅治疗有把握治愈的病人,以使自己免于失败。Although his lawyers were optimistic, they couldn't be sure about the final outcome of the trial.尽管他的律师持乐观态度,但对于最后的判决结果,他们也不太有把握I think we can safely assume that this situation will continue.我想我们可以有把握地认为这种情况将持续下去。Lack of funds can be a drawback if you want to invest in a sure thing.如果你要对确有把握的事投资,资金短缺会是个障碍。Potts was confident of taking the American title, but less sure about the world championship.波茨对获得美国冠军充满信心,但对获得世界冠军就不那么有把握了。Well, er – I'm not really sure.嗯,哦 — 我不太有把握It is safe to predict that this trend will persist.可以有把握地预测,这一趋势将继续下去。He is absolutely certain who will win.他对谁会赢完全有把握I can safely say that this was not my finest hour.我可以有把握地说,那不是我最辉煌的时候。I've never been to a formal dinner party before now, and I'm not quite sure how to behave.我在此之前还不曾参加过正式晚宴,不太有把握怎样才能举止得体。We're confident of winning the title this year.我们今年有把握夺冠。We feel confident that these results are accurate.我们对这些结果的准确性是有把握的。I think I can safely predict that they will fight the verdict.我想我可以有把握地预测他们将对这一判决提出抗诉。You need to be sure of your facts before making any accusations.你提出指控之前需要对自己所掌握的事实有把握I'm pretty sure that he'll say yes.他会同意,对此我相当有把握Are you positive of your facts?你对提供的事实有把握吗?Nobody can answer that question with complete confidence at this stage.在现阶段没人能十分有把握地回答那个问题。We can predict with absolute confidence how the newspapers will react.我们可以绝对有把握地预测报纸会如何反应。I can safely say that he won't be causing any further problems.我可以有把握地说,他不会再招惹任何麻烦了。Our success is secure.我们的成功是有把握的。His promotion in the army is secure.他在军队中的升迁是有把握的。Are you sure of your figures?你对你的数目有把握吗?With her fine grades Alice has it made and can enter any college in the country.艾丽斯成绩优异,完全有把握进入全国任何一所大学。This is a safe estimate.这是个有把握的估计。The fishermen couldn't always be sure of a good catch.渔民们并非经常有把握捕到大量的鱼。Tony is sure he can pull a few strings and get you in.托尼有把握可以托关系让你进去。He seemed confident of success. 他似乎有把握成功。Her certainty about these complex moral issues is surprising.她对这些复杂的道德问题这么有把握,真令人吃惊。You shouldn't make any wild accusations if you're not absolutely sure that Wilkins stole the money.你如果不是绝对有把握是威尔金斯偷了钱,就不要乱加指控。We have a strong team and a reasonable chance of winning the game.我们队很有实力,相当有把握赢得比赛。




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