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词汇 有才华
例句 You should be more confident in yourself. You have a lot going for you! 你那么有才华!应该更加自信。The urgency of finding a cure attracted some of the best minds in medical science.找到治愈方法的紧迫性吸引了医学领域一些最有才华的人。If given half a chance , she could show everyone how talented she is.如果给她一点机会,她可以向大家展示自己是多么赋有才华Basil proved a capable cricketer.结果证明巴兹尔是个有才华的板球运动员。She's a very accomplished pianist/painter/horsewoman.她是一位很有造诣的钢琴家/很有才华的画家/技艺高超的骑师。While I didn't know him all that well when we were students, I do remember him as a brilliant musician.虽然学生时代我和他没那么熟,但我的确记得他在音乐方面很有才华Some of these young musicians are hugely talented.这些年轻的音乐家中有些极有才华It's inconceivable that university officials would fire someone as talented and loyal as Professor Schultz.大学管理层竟然把这么有才华和忠心耿耿的舒尔茨教授给开除了,简直让人难以置信。Kaylie is a very talented singer-songwriter.凯莉是个很有才华的创作型歌手。Stella's very talented - she could turn her hand to anything.斯特拉很有才华——她什么事都能干好。She's a talented singer and, lest we forget, a fine musician as well. 她是有才华的歌手,还有,别忘了,她也是优秀的音乐家。Ellen is one of our most talented young musicians.埃伦是我们最有才华的年轻乐师之一。Tom's quite talented but he'll never set the world on fire.汤姆虽然很有才华,但不会获得举世瞩目的成功。Maria will be a fine musician; she shows a lot of ability.玛丽亚会成为一名优秀的音乐家,她很有才华She's a talented actress, I must say.我得承认,她是个有才华的女演员。The band represents some of the best young talent that's around, resulting in a sound that's both innovative and inspired.这支乐队代表了这里最有才华的年轻人的水平,其演奏既富于创新又充满灵感。Bratbakk had more ability than the media gave him credit for.布拉特巴克比媒体称赞的要有才华He is prodigiously talented/wealthy.他相当有才华/富有。She's a very talented musician.她是个很有才华的音乐家。The Foundation's goals include providing scholarships for gifted young students.该基金会的目标包括为有才华的年轻学子提供奖学金。He was one of my most able pupils, but far too easily distracted by frivolities.他是我最有才华的学生之一,不过就是太容易为一些无聊的事分心。They are inviting talented, but unheralded film-makers to submit examples of their work.他们邀请一些有才华但不知名的电影制作人提交他们的作品样本。So let's hear some applause for these talented young performers.那么,让我们为这些有才华的年轻表演者鼓掌吧。You identify the able pupils and you extend them and you push them forward.你识出有才华的学生,锤炼他们,推其上进。She's a talented actress, you've got to admit.你必须得承认,她是一个有才华的演员。She is a writer of tremendous talent.她是位极有才华的作家。She's a talented actress, you have to admit.你必须得承认,她是一个有才华的演员。There is no point in pushing them unless they are talented and they enjoy it.除非他们很有才华而且自己喜欢,否则逼迫他们是没有意义的。She was the most talented actress of her day. 她是她那个时代最有才华的演员。She's a talented actress, you must admit.你得承认,她是个有才华的女演员。She's a very talented musician, and we think she has a great future.她是个很有才华的音乐家,我们认为她前程似锦。She had humor; she had intellect.她幽默,有才华We need people with talent, whatever their political persuasions.我们需要有才华的人,不管他们的政治信仰如何。He's brilliant at chess.他下国际象棋很有才华She is a talented journalist who has brought credit to the newspaper.她是一名有才华的记者,为报社赢得了荣誉。For every one or two talented people in any group of artists, there are hordes of talentless hangers-on.在任何一群艺术家中,每一两个有才华的人周围总有一帮平庸无能的溜须拍马者。




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