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We can't go on like this any more. Things have got to change.我们不想再这样下去了,应该有所改变。I never saw my song-writing as anything more than a hobby until recently.我以前一直把创作歌曲当成一种消遣爱好,直到最近才有所改变。The last few years have seen a change in attitudes to single parents.最近几年人们对单身父母的态度有所改变。A change of mind effectively signals a change in overall policy.改变主意实际上意味着整个政策有所改变。If someone has been in captivity for a long time, he will have changed as a result of his experience.如果某人遭到长时间囚禁,他会因为他的经历而有所改变。I have total confidence that things will change.事情会有所改变的,我对此信心十足。There has been a change in thinking in terms of the influence of diet on the disease.关于饮食对这种疾病的影响,人们的看法有所改变。We are working to bring about changes in the laws concerning the rights of children.我们正努力使涉及到儿童权利的法律有所改变。This address was meant to signal a change in policy.这个讲话意欲表明政策将有所改变。Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.最近几年对精神病的态度已有所改变。Several brokers have had a change of heart about prospects for the company.几位经纪人对该公司前景的看法已经有所改变。Until recently secretarial work and nursing were very much pink-collar professions.以往秘书工作和护理工作基本上都属粉领职业,到近来情况才有所改变。This speech appears to mark a change in government policy.这一演讲似乎表明政府政策有所改变。Was she really naive enough to expect that he had changed?她真的那么天真,居然期待他已经有所改变?He says he's going to make changes, and I think he means business.他说他打算有所改变,我想他是认真的。His features seemed to change.他的容貌似乎有所改变。Most analysts expected that there would be a change in policy.大多数分析家预计政策会有所改变。 |