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The best brains, commentators, and practitioners will be brought together at the conference.最有才智的人、最优秀的评论员和从业人员将在大会上汇聚一堂。Even if you're intelligent, they still try to keep you down.即使你很有才智,他们也还是要压制你。He missed the excitement of working with so many intelligent people.他很怀念和那么多有才智的人一起工作的时候,那种感觉让人兴奋。It was ingenious of him to arrange the schedule so precisely.他把时间表安排得如此精确,真有才智。Lots of wise old men were killed and lots of wisdom passed away with them.许多有才智的老人遭杀害,大量的智慧财富也随着他们一起消失了。He is one of the finest minds in physics today.他是当今物理学方面最有才智的人之一。He is intelligent but too impractical for commercial work.在商务活动中他虽有才智,却太缺乏实践能力。 |