例句 |
The calm water reflected the mountains beautifully.平静的水面上映出山峦的美丽倒影。The white painted walls reflected the firelight.刷白的墙壁映出了火光。A figure stood darkly outlined against the window.一个人影站立着,在窗上映出黑乎乎的轮廓。Each picture is shown in colour on one page and as a bold outline on the opposite page.每幅图片的彩样都单独印在一页上,而在该页的背面会映出清晰的轮廓。The swamp water was jeweled with reflected stars.沼泽水映出星星,犹如镶嵌了点点宝石。The hill formed a stark silhouette against the sky.小山在天际映出光秃秃的轮廓。The still water reflected the full moon.平静的水面映出了满月。The clear water mirrored the blue sky.清澈的水面映出了碧蓝的天空。Pete's torch picked out the dim figures of Bob and Chang.皮特的火把映出了鲍勃和张的模糊身影。The setting sun cast a deep red glow over the city's rosy stone.夕阳在城市的粉红色石头上映出一片深红色的光芒。He woke to see their two heads clearly silhouetted against his window.他醒来时看到窗户上清晰地映出他俩脑袋的轮廓。 |