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词汇 时节
例句 We slogged through the mud of an early spring thaw.我们在初春解冻时节的泥泞中艰难行进。Surely anyone with marketing gumption should be able to sell good books at any time of year.无疑,有经营头脑的人在一年的任何时节都应该能够卖掉好书。The flower can be found all over the island in spring and early summer.春天和初夏时节,这种花在岛上到处都能见到。The rains came and flooded the valley.暴雨时节来临,雨水淹没了山谷。If you're there during a peak-travel period, be on the lookout for thieves.假如你在旅游高峰时节去那儿,可要当心小偷。It is a time for great rejoicing.这正是大事庆祝的时节I usually dig in compost in late summer.我通常在夏末时节翻土施肥。Now is the best time to visit Paris.目前是造访巴黎的最佳时节Summer is the time for cool, refreshing fruit salads.夏天是吃凉凉的新鲜水果沙拉的时节We could hear the shrill of the midsummer cricket.我们可以听到仲夏时节蟋蟀的尖叫声。Surely anyone with marketing gumption should be able to sell good books at any time of year.毫无疑问,有销售才能的人一年中任何时节都应该能够卖掉好书。A lot of people feel run down in the winter months, when the days are short and there's very little sunlight.许多人在冬季几个月里会觉得很疲惫,那个时节白天短,日光少。The town is filled with tourists in high summer. 盛夏时节镇上挤满了游客。It was almost time for the summer invasion of tourists.差不多是夏季游客到来的时节了。Early one Thursday morning in the dead of winter I awoke to a blizzard.隆冬时节的一个星期四,一大早醒来我就发现外面刮起了暴风雪。It is now the best time to prune.现在是整枝的最好时节Peaches are dear this time of year.一年中的这个时节桃子非常贵。The weather was very pleasant for the time of year.这个时节的天气是很舒适的。By the middle of the winter, they were hankering for a warm day.到了隆冬时节,他们便渴望着能有一个温暖的好天气。It was impossible to walk the route in late winter.在暮冬时节步行走那条路线是不可能的。The roses were already past their best.这些玫瑰花已过了盛开的时节It's relatively mild for the time of year.就这个时节而言,这算是比较暖和了。It was late autumn and the leaves were slowly turning golden.深秋时节,树叶逐渐变成金黄色。In midsummer, every town is impossibly crowded.仲夏时节,每个城镇都出奇地拥挤。I walked out into the stifling heat of the city in midsummer.我走了出去,仲夏时节的城里闷热得令人窒息。We stay/keep active during the cold winter months by skiing and ice skating.在寒冬时节,我们通过滑雪和溜冰来保持活力。Outside it was warm, peculiarly warm for this time of the year.外边很暖和,对于一年的这个时节来说有些反常。April is tax season.四月是报税时节This is when geraniums and petunias come into their own.这是天竺葵和矮牵牛盛开的时节It was the middle of summer.正是仲夏时节The plants still need protecting at this time of year.植物在每年的这个时节仍需要保护。Strawberries are now out of season.现在不是草莓当令的时节The mountains look beautiful in midwinter.群山在仲冬时节看起来很美。A few hardy souls continue to swim in the sea even in the middle of winter.许多身体强壮的人甚至在隆冬时节仍坚持在海里游泳。It's very clement for the time of year.这样的天气对现在这个时节来说是非常宜人的。I usually dig in a small barrow load of compost in late summer.夏末时节,我通常会把一小车堆肥施到土里。In midsummer every town is impossibly crowded.仲夏时节,每个城市都出奇地拥挤。The large headland offers shelter from spring and summer northerlies.这个大海岬提供了抵御春夏时节北风侵袭的屏障。It's the political silly season, and this policy is a very silly idea which seems more about public relations than solutions.现在是政治无聊时节,这一政策很无聊,与其说是寻求解决方案,不如说是为了取得公关效应。It bears clusters of mauve flowers in early summer.初夏时节,它开出了一簇簇淡紫色的花。




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