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词汇 complex
例句 The seminar focuses on the complex relationship between government, the military, and the media.研讨会的重点在于政府、军队和媒体间的复杂关系。She had an amazing memory and could recall verbatim quite complex conversations.她记忆力惊人,能够一字不差地回想起很复杂的谈话内容。It is hard to understand the complex workings of the social security system.社会保障体系复杂的运作方式令人难以理解。Some minerals have complex chemical compositions.有些矿物的化学成分很复杂。The bay has a very complex and delicate ecosystem.这个海湾的生态系统非常复杂和脆弱。Her certainty about these complex moral issues is surprising.她对这些复杂的道德问题这么有把握,真令人吃惊。His shyness is the result of an inferiority complex.他害羞是因为自卑。The building, as we shall see, is very different in its internal planning, with a great complex of halls and rooms.正如我们下面将看到的,这幢大楼的内部结构风格迥异,走廊和房间如迷宫般复杂交错。Ritter was a very complex man but Marius was the opposite, a simple farmer.里特城府颇深,而马里厄斯恰恰相反,是个心地淳朴的农民。Even this fairly complex analysis only begins to scratch the surface.就连这一比较复杂的分析也是刚刚触及皮毛而已。There are plans to knock the library down and replace it with a hotel complex.计划拆除图书馆,改建酒店综合大楼。I have never had a complex about my height.我从未担忧过自己的身高。The pilot has to carry out a series of complex manoeuvres.飞行员必须完成一系列复杂的动作。European societies are beginning to develop an inferiority complex about high technology.欧洲社会开始对高科技产生了一种自卑情结。This is a highly complex matter.这件事非常复杂。It is a highly complex piece of legislation.它是一项非常复杂的法规。As the world becomes more complex, some things standardize and globalize.随着世界越来越复杂,某些事物变得标准化和全球化。It is a complex yet stimulating book.这是一本复杂但具有启发性的书。The developer unveiled plans for a new housing complex.开发商公布了新楼盘的计划。It must be stated that this illness is one of the most complex conditions known to man.必须声明,这种疾病是人类已知的最为复杂的疾病之一。The Cité De Science is a futuristic complex in the Parisian outskirts.科学城是巴黎市郊一幢未来主义风格的综合性建筑。The gradual accretion of detail creates a complex and moving story.细节慢慢地堆积,编织出了一个曲折而动人的故事。A complex engine has many separate components, each performing a different function.一个复杂发动机有很多独立零部件,每个零部件具有不同作用。A careful driver will often stop talking before carrying out a complex manoeuvre.谨慎的司机在做复杂的操作之前往往会停止交谈。The office complex has an on-site nursery.这片办公楼群有一个内部托儿所。He believes there is a right-wing conspiracy organized by the CIA and the military-industrial complex to maneuver the country into another war.他认为,一个由中央情报局和军工集团策划的右翼阴谋正在将国家推向另一场战争。She always manages to cut through the complex theory and get at the facts.她总是能够迅速绕过复杂的理论,发现事实真相。The new system is overly complex.这个新制度过于复杂。She grew up with an inferiority complex.她在自卑情结中长大。What emerges is a complex picture of family rivalry.家庭成员间勾心斗角的复杂情况浮现出来。An airplane engine is a complex mechanism.飞机引擎是种复杂的机械装置。This was a complex and difficult task.这是一项复杂艰难的工作。Both of them had the ability to present complex matters lucidly.两人都具有深入浅出地表述复杂事物的能力。The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions.原因很复杂,既有地方性冲突也有全国范围的紧张局势。The mathematics for solving the problem is quite complex.解这道题的数学运算相当复杂。The situation is more complex than you realize.情况比你了解的更复杂。He has very ably demonstrated what a complex issue this is.他强有力地证明了这是个多么复杂的问题。I am developing a guilt complex about it.我对此渐渐产生一种负罪感。The form of the novel is complex, with numerous flashbacks.这部小说结构复杂,有许多倒叙。The film's plot was so complex that I couldn't follow it.这部电影的情节太复杂,我看不懂。




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