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词汇 complexity
例句 This approach ignores the complexity of modern business.这种方法忽视了现代商业的复杂性。I don't think you appreciate the complexity of the situation.我认为你没意识到当前形势的复杂性。Neither in his thought nor in his utterance is there any complexity.他的思想和言辞都不复杂。The diagram illustrates the complexity of the cell's structure.这张图表显示了细胞结构的复杂性。This method has many gradations of complexity.这种方法包含许多复杂程度不一的阶段。The complexity and costliness of the judicial system militate against justice for the individual.司法体制的复杂性及高昂的费用不利于实现个体的公正。He doesn't grasp/understand the complexity of the situation.他不理解情况的复杂性。There is increasing recognition of the complexity of the causes of poverty.对致贫原因的复杂性有了越来越多的认识。It lacks the complexity or depth of his best movies.这部电影缺少他最好的那些电影所拥有的复杂性或深刻性。Test-takers must complete ten tasks with varying levels of complexity.应试者必须完成十道难度各异的题。The second item was of equally beastly complexity.第二项同样复杂得要命。It is difficult to convey the sheer complexity of the situation.很难说清楚形势究竟有多复杂。Good Burgundy has an earthiness and complexity of flavour.好的勃艮第葡萄酒有一种泥土的芳香和丰富的口感。The author has managed to capture the complexity of this man.作者成功地刻画了这个男人的复杂性。Globalization has increased the complexity of political issues.全球化加大了政治问题的复杂性。He was impressed by the complexity of the music.那首乐曲千回百转,令他印象深刻。The complexity kerfuffled everyone.其复杂性把每个人都搞糊涂了。I don't think you fully understood the complexity of his argument.我觉得你没有完全理解他论点的复杂性。Only now did he understand the full complexity of the problem.直到现在他才明白这一问题的全部复杂性。The video emphasizes the complexity of this debate.该录像强调了这场辩论的复杂性。My heart sunk again on viewing the inextricable complexity of this deception.看到这个骗局的错综复杂,我的心又沉了下来。His work is acclaimed for its complexity and originality.他的作品因其复杂性和原创性而备受称赞。




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