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词汇 completion
例句 Money will be paid half in advance and half on completion.钱将预付一半,完成后再付一半。There's going to be a party to celebrate the completion of the project.将会举办一次聚会来庆祝工程的完工。He will receive his degree upon completion of his studies.他将在完成学业后获得学位。The companies will announce the completion of their merger tomorrow.这几家公司将于明天宣布合并完成。Can we trust him to carry the task to completion?我们能指望他完成任务吗?There was a party to celebrate the completion of the project.为庆祝项目完成举行了一个聚会。The completion of this project was a watershed event in the company's history.完成这个项目是公司历史上的里程碑事件。Preparations for the upcoming Olympic Games are nearing completion.即将举行的奥运会的筹备工作已经临近尾声。We shall do our best to meet the completion date.我们将竭力设法如期完工。They devoted all their energy to the completion of the project.他们把全部精力都投入到工程的完工上。The work is now near completion.这项工作现已接近尾声。The project is scheduled for completion in three months, and there's a great deal of work to be done in the meantime.这个项目计划三个月完成,在此期间还有大量工作要做。On completion of the building, they make a final inspection.大楼完工后他们作了最后的检查。The repairs were near to completion.修缮工作即将结束。The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion.对哈夫纳机器的修理即将结束。Payment is conditioned on/upon completion of the project. 只有项目完成了,你才能拿到报酬。Can you give me any sort of time scale for the completion of the building work?你能不能告诉我这个建筑工程的完工进度?The completion of the new office building is still a long way off. 新办公楼还远未完工。Forms will be sent to our clients for completion.表格会寄给我们的客户填好。The cost of completion has been revised upwards again due to inflation.由于通货膨胀,完工的费用再次调高。The book is near completion.这本书就要写完了。They devoted all their energies to the completion of the project.他们把全部精力都投入到工程的完工上。The project is nearing completion. 这个项目很快就要竣工了。The city's first purpose-built theatre is nearing completion.该市第一座专用剧院已接近完工。The project is near completion. 这个项目已接近收尾。The building was not finished by the completion date.这座建筑并没有在预定完工时间竣工。On completion of the preregistration year, graduates become fully registered by the General Medical Council.预先登记期满一年,毕业生就会成为医学总会的正式注册成员。What is the projected date of completion?预计完工日是哪一天?The building is nearing completion.大楼快完工了。Traffic problems become more common as the project nears completion.当工程临近完工时,交通问题出现得更为频繁。Deportation orders shall not become final until the completion of judicial review.放逐令须等司法审查结束后才最后生效。The job is subject to your satisfactory completion of the training course.能否得到这份工作取决于你能否圆满完成培训课程。Whatever project you begin, you must carry it through to completion.不管什么项目,启动了就必须把它顺利完成。There was a year between initiation and completion.从开始到完成经过了一年的时间。The renovation of the museum is now nearing completion.博物馆的修缮工作快要完成了。The project is taking a long time but is now nearing completion.这个项目耗时很长,但现在就快结束了。The committee will report back to us on completion of the study.研究完成后,委员会将向我们汇报情况。On completion of the course you will be given a certificate of competence.完成这个课程时,你将获得一张资格证书。We'll assist you at every stage from inception to completion.我们会从头到尾一直帮助你。The floorboards were replaced prior to completion of the sale.销售完成之前木地板已更换。




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