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词汇 无用
例句 Don't clog up your memory with useless facts.不要把脑袋塞满无用的东西。He cut the deadwood from his staff of advisers.他裁减了无用的顾问。I became a distraught, worried mother, a useless role if ever there was one.我变成了一个忧心如焚的母亲,一个全无用处的角色。I rid myself of many superfluous belongings and habits that bothered me.我把很多无用的物品都丢掉了,并且改掉了一些让我烦心的习惯。He called the young people shiftless, lazy and good-for-nothing.他说这些年轻人胸无大志,懒惰又无用It's no use citing the Bible to someone who doesn't believe in God.对不信上帝的人引用《圣经》是无用的。He's just a low-down, good-for-nothing liar!他不过是个卑劣而无用的骗子!He was engaged in a barren argument with Paul.他在同保罗作无用的争论。Our complaints were useless. The trust was in control.我们的诉苦是无用的,那家托拉斯操纵着一切。The ship's sails flapped uselessly.这艘船的帆无用地摆来摆去。The young scientist felt bound down by a lot of useless and confusing rules.这位青年科学家感到有许多无用而又引起思想混乱的法则束缚他的手脚。The shelves were covered with ornaments and useless knick-knacks.架子上满是装饰品和一些无用的小玩意儿。There are loads of learned lumber in his head.他的脑袋里装着许多无用的学问。This is the least useful of the four books.四本书中这一本最无用处。He dismisses his critics as a bunch of politically correct do-gooders.他对那些评论他的人不屑一顾,认为他们都是一些打着官腔的无用之徒。Try to avoid wasteful duplication of effort.尽量避免无用的重复劳动。I had to remind myself that worrying is a useless activity.我不得不提醒自己,担心是无用之举。It's useless to fire away with such trivial details.喋喋不休地谈这些琐碎的细节是无用的。The garage is filled with junk.车库里堆满了无用的东西。The raincoats are classic, without any nonsense.雨衣式样传统简约,没有什么无用的装饰品。Don't clog your memory with useless facts.别让你的记忆塞满无用的东西。I had it on the tip of my tongue to ask him why he left home, but the uselessness of it was apparent.我差点问他为什么离家,但显然问也无用Many traditional teachers still think of computers as useless toys.许多守旧的教师仍认为电脑是无用的玩具。His efforts were accompanied by a sense of futility and doubt.他的努力给人一种无用而可疑的感觉。Of course we need to test children's ability, but some of these exams are worse than useless.我们当然需要测验儿童的能力,但是这些考试有的不仅无用,反而有害。These days, we are bombarded with endless junk mail, fliers, and general bumf.如今我们不得不面对铺天盖地的垃圾邮件、广告传单和无用的公文。He spends a lot of money on unnecessary things. A case in point is his collection of rare sports cars.他花大把的钱买无用的东西:一个很好的例子就是他收集名贵跑车。The old factory is now a rusting dinosaur.这个旧工厂现已成了一堆无用的废物。I felt it was useless to struggle against fortune.我觉得跟命运抗争是无用的。You may see yourself as useless, incompetent and blameworthy.你也许会认为自己无用、不称职、应该受到指责。I felt like such a spare part.我感到自己是如此的无用The initial data included a lot of noise that had to be weeded out.初始数据包含有很多必须剔除的无用干扰信息。It's no use sorrowing over the bad times of the past. Look forward to the future.对过去的不幸时光神伤是无用的,要向前看。This is just idle supposition.这只是无用的假设。Don't fill your report with unnecessary information.报告里不要满是无用的信息。There is no use protesting. I will not change my mind.反对无用,我不会改变主意的。You live in a fantasy world where money means nothing.你生活在一个金钱无用的空想世界。




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