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词汇 feats
例句 The circus acrobats perform amazing feats on the trapeze.这些马戏团杂技演员表演了令人惊叹的高空秋千。She performed remarkable feats of organization for the company.她为公司所做的组织工作业绩斐然。She is known for her spectacular feats of derring-do. 她因英勇的壮举而为人们所知。He used to entertain people with his feats of strength.他过去常以力量特技表演娱乐观众。The show's full of daredevil feats.表演中有很多惊险的特技。Using the code requires incredible feats of memory.使用这套密码需要惊人的记忆力。Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.施乐公司展开了一项逆向工程。他们把日本的机器拆开,调查了日本的工厂以弄清楚他们如何能生产出如此了不起的产品。His heroic feats made him a legend in his own time.他的英雄业绩使他成了他那个时代的传奇人物。They are capable of amazing feats of endurance.他们有非凡的忍耐力。They performed some amazing acrobatic feats.他们表演了一些惊人的杂技动作。She was capable of remarkable feats of endurance.她有超乎常人的忍耐力。The circus acrobats performed feats of dexterity and strength.马戏团的杂技艺人表演了显示灵巧和力度的高超技艺。He used to astound his friends with feats of physical endurance.他惊人的耐力过去常常让朋友们大为吃惊。




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