例句 |
We walked through the valley, feasting our eyes on the beauty all around us.我们步行穿过峡谷,饱览周围绚丽的景色。He was there, watching her, enjoying her panic, feasting on her pain.他在那儿冷眼旁观,享受她的惊恐,以她的痛苦为乐。The feasting, drinking, dancing, and revelry continued for several days.胡吃海喝、跳舞狂欢持续了好几天。The feasting, drinking, dancing and revelry continued for several days.一连几天都是宴会、痛饮、舞蹈和狂欢。She stood feasting her eyes on the view.她站在那里,尽情欣赏着美景。They were making merry with feasting and wine.他们在欢宴作乐,开怀畅饮。 |