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词汇 feast
例句 There were hundreds of guests at the royal wedding feast.数百位宾客参加了王室婚宴。The poor starve and the rich feast.穷人挨饿,富人吃喝。They foraged a chicken for the feast.他们为筵席搞到一只鸡。The main course of the feast was roast suckling pig.筵席的主菜是烤乳猪。There were over sixty guests at the wedding feast.婚宴上有六十多位客人。The children raided the fridge for a midnight feast.孩子们把冰箱里的食物当夜宵吃掉了。All Saints' Day is an immovable feast.万圣节是日期固定的节日。In my famished state it seemed like a feast.我正饿得要命时,这顿饭好像一顿大餐。On the following day a feast was given in King John's honour.第二天设宴款待约翰王。Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.午餐很丰盛,有肉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶、水果, 酒无限量供应。The salmon provide a delicious feast for the brown bear.三文鱼是棕熊的美餐。The Jewish feast of Passover began last night.犹太人的宗教节日逾越节昨晚开始了。They were happy to partake of our feast, but not to share our company.他们喜欢享用我们准备的丰盛大餐,但是不喜欢和我们呆在一起。Every guest brought a different dish to the party, and we had quite a feast.每位参加派对的客人都带来一道不同的菜肴,令我们大饱口福。Two white bulls were sacrificed and a feast was held.献祭了两头白牛,并举行了盛宴。It was a veritable feast.这简直是一席盛宴。We are giving the viewers a feast of football.我们将为观众献上一场足球盛宴。His presence at the birthday party was a skeleton at the feast.他出席生日宴会真令人扫兴。The various feast days memorialize aspects of the life of Jesus Christ and various saints.各种宗教节日用作纪念耶稣和许多圣徒生平。They intended to feast the night away.他们打算通宵欢宴。The carnival provided a veritable feast of sights and sounds.狂欢节是一场名副其实的声色盛宴。If you like luxury cars, feast your eyes on these.要是你喜欢豪华车的话,好好欣赏这些吧。This new series promises a feast of special effects and set designs.这部新的系列剧将会是一场特效和舞美的盛宴。At the feast there was an abundance of food and drink.宴会上有丰盛的食品和饮料。The feast pleased my epicurean family.这场盛宴使我酷爱美食的一家人大饱口福。I did conceit a most delicious feast.我确曾期望宴会上会有极其美味可口的菜肴。Next week's film festival should be a real feast for cinema-goers.下星期的电影节应该能让影迷大饱眼福。Easter is a movable feast. 复活节是一个日期每年不同的宗教节日。She said it was the immemorial custom of the villagers to have a feast after the harvesting.她说村民们在收割之后举行宴会是一个古老的风俗。The afternoon meal paled in comparison to/with the feast they had later.他们的午饭和随后的大餐相比差多了。They were regaled with a great feast.他们受到丰盛筵席的款待。It was such a feast we overate ourselves.筵席十分丰盛,我们都吃得过饱。We were treated to a royal feast.我们被招待享用豪华宴席。At Christmas the visitors began their circuit of dropping in on the eve of the feast day.圣诞节时,客人们会在节日前夜开始逐家拜访。Chicago provides a feast for the ears of any music lover.《芝加哥》将为所有音乐爱好者献上一场听觉盛宴。We have a veritable feast of video entertainment to be won.我们有一场名副其实的视频娱乐盛宴等待你赢取。Villagers used to hold a great feast at harvest time.村民过去常常在收获季节举办盛大的宴会。The Christmas celebrations in Fiji are rounded off by a huge feast on Christmas Day.斐济的圣诞庆典以圣诞节那天举行的盛大宴会结束。The Jewish feast of Passover began last night.犹太教节日逾越节于昨晚开始。The feast was served by his mother and sisters.这顿美餐是他母亲和他的姐妹们准备的。




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