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词汇 feathers
例句 The boy wore a headdress of dyed ostrich feathers.这个男孩戴着一顶由染过色的鸵鸟毛做成的头饰。Birds puff up their feathers to keep warm.鸟类蓬起羽毛来保暖。The feathers of a bird's wing underlap each other.鸟翅的羽毛是部分相互重叠而搭接着的。The hat was a fantastic concoction, all feathers and ribbons.这顶帽子是个奇形怪状的混合物,全是羽毛和丝带。The owl fluffed out its feathers.猫头鹰抖开了羽毛。In winter birds can fluff up their feathers.鸟儿在冬季会蓬起羽毛。She knows how to ruffle his feathers.她知道怎样去惹他发火。The bird ruffled up its feathers.鸟儿竖起了羽毛。It had a thick ruff of feathers around the neck.它长着厚厚的颈羽。The hunter plucked the bird's feathers.猎人拔掉了那只鸟的羽毛。The bird is easily recognizable because of its bright red feathers.这种鸟有鲜红的羽毛,因此容易辨认。Her research has been ruffling feathers for years.她的研究多年来一直让人们心怀不悦。The bird fluffed out its feathers.这鸟抖开牠的羽毛。The bird has a tuft of feathers on top of its head.这鸟头顶有一簇羽毛。Its feathers were ruffled by the chill breeze.寒风吹乱了它的羽毛。The governor wore a cocked hat trimmed with white feathers.总督戴着一顶镶有白色羽饰的三角帽。At last the essential feathers of the young eagles sprouted.幼鹰的正羽终于长出来了。I agreed to do what they wanted because I didn't want to ruffle any feathers.我同意做他们要我做的事,因为我不想得罪任何人。His critical remarks ruffled the feathers of the board members.他的批评言论激怒了董事会成员。The male of the species has darker feathers.该物种雄性的羽毛颜色更深。The tail feathers are dark blue at their bases, shading to pale blue at their tips.尾羽的根部呈深蓝色,到了尾尖就渐变成淡蓝色。The bird was preening its feathers. = The bird was preening itself.那只鸟正在用喙梳理羽毛。Wings and feathers discriminate birds from other animals.翅膀和羽毛使鸟类区别于其他动物。Thousands of birds were slaughtered for their feathers.人们为得到羽毛捕杀了数以千计的鸟。In bed, I rest my head on a soft pillow filled with feathers.在床上,我把头搁在用羽毛作为枕心的软枕头上。The grey feathers become whiter as the bird matures.随着鸟发育成熟,羽毛由灰变白。Birds have developed a sexual difference in the colours of their feathers.鸟类在羽毛的颜色上显出雌雄差异。You can imagine how that ruffled Beryl's feathers!你可以想象那件事让贝里尔多生气!The hen's feathers ruffled at the sight of a dog.母鸡一见到狗就羽毛直竖。We found a pile of feathers – somebody must have made a kill.我们发现一堆羽毛,肯定有人捕杀了猎物。The white feathers looked surprisingly bright.那些白色的羽毛看上去出奇地亮。His direct, often abrasive approach will doubtless ruffle a few feathers.他那直截了当、往往还粗鲁生硬的办事方式无疑会激怒一些人。A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers.只见亮闪闪的蓝色羽毛一闪,一只松鸦从刺柏丛中钻了出来。The bird has grey feathers with a lighter collar.这种鸟长有灰色羽毛,但颈部的颜色要淡一些。The caged bird ruffled its throat feathers and sang.那只笼中的鸟竖起喉部的羽毛,唱起歌来。The bird's feathers ruffled at the sight of the fox.鸟一见到狐便羽毛直竖。The robin shook its feathers and flew away.知更鸟抖了抖羽毛飞走了。It squawked and fanned a tail missing two feathers.鸟嘎嘎地叫几声,展开了少了两片羽毛的尾巴。The knight plumed his helmet with brilliant red feathers.骑士用鲜红的羽毛装饰他的头盔。This type of bird is very inconspicuous because of its dull feathers.这种鸟因其羽毛灰暗而毫不起眼。




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