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词汇 新作
例句 The writer tried to be as objective as possible in evaluating his latest work.那位作家在评估他的新作时尽量不偏不倚。He plays one of the good guys in his latest film and defeats all the baddies. 在他的电影新作中,他饰演一个好人,打败了所有的坏蛋。We've just received a copy of her latest book, hot off the press.我们刚收到了一本她的新作,还散发着油墨香。This is a ploy to gain publicity for his new book.这是为他的新作求名的手段。The author gave me a copy of his new novel as a record of my visit.小说作者把一本自己的新作送给我作为我来访的纪念品。His new novel will be printed next month.他的新作小说将于下月出版发行。His new essay on traditional Chinese medicine is insightful and rewarding.他那篇论述中医科学的新作具有深刻见解,读后定可得益。Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy.她的新作引起了很大争议。The new French movie was the sensation of the film festival.这部法国电影新作在本次电影节上引起了轰动。Her latest literary offering is full of tales of murder and deception.她的文学新作充斥着谋杀和欺骗。Paul Fussell's latest book vents his spleen against everything he hates about his country.保罗·富塞尔在新作中发泄了他对国家的所有不满。In this new book, Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates.在这本新作中,哈里森巧妙地理顺了那些纷繁复杂的争论。The reviewers did a hatchet job on her latest book. 评论家们对她的新作大加诋毁。I do not like his treatment of the theme in his new book.我不喜欢他在自己新作中对这一主题的论述。I liked her last novel better than this new one.相比这部新作,我更喜欢她的上一部小说。Hecke's new work has something of interest for both the casual and attentive viewer.赫克的新作雅俗共赏。Fans are panting for the writer's next book.粉丝们热切盼望着作者的下一本新作Critics ripped the author's latest novel apart.批评家们猛烈抨击这名作家的新作She is anxious to stress the continuity with the past in this new work.她急于在这部新作中强调与过去的连续性。On today's show, we'll have exclusive previews of some of the best new music.在今天的展会上,我们将有机会独家试听一些最好的音乐新作Tom never guessed that with his latest book he would write himself into sudden fame.汤姆从未料到他的新作竟会使自己突然成名。Her latest book is worthy of mention.她的新作值得一提。His new book is concerned with Africa.他的新作是关于非洲的。Dervla Murphy's latest book describes her many adventures in Nepal.德维拉·墨菲的新作描写她在尼泊尔的许多冒险经历。Critics are raving about Sokurov's poetic new film.评论家们正在对索库罗夫充满诗情画意的电影新作大加夸赞。Its second offering, Swan Lake, opened on Friday night.其第二部新作《天鹅湖》在周五晚开始公映。His new book will be appearing in the shops very soon.他的新作即将在书店上架出售。




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