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例句 The house stands alone on top of a small hill.房子孤零零地坐落在一座小山顶上。They tore down the old hospital and built a new one.他们拆掉了旧医院,建了一座新的。The Central Weather Bureau has a planetarium installed near the Grand Hotel. People can go there to watch the stars.气象局在圆山饭店旁设有一座天文台,民众可以前去观望星象。Under the coating of dust and cobwebs, he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock.在一层灰尘和蜘蛛网底下,他发现了一座精美的法国路易十六时期的时钟。After the fire a new city rose from the ruins.火灾过后一座新城从废墟中拔地而起。The dogs pursued their quarry into an empty warehouse.那几条狗追逐着猎物进了一座空仓库。Local people are protesting about the proposed conversion of a church into a late-night bar.当地民众反对将一座教堂改建成午夜酒吧的提议。They walked hand in hand in a delicious garden.他们手挽手在一座可爱的花园里散步。They live in a good-sized house.他们住在一座大房子里。She wanted to create a garden to complement her beautiful home.她想修建一座花园与她的漂亮房子相配。The architecture suggested a chapel.这幢建筑物让人联想到一座小教堂。The entire area looked like a gigantic rubbish heap.整个地区看上去像一座大垃圾堆。Just one of these bombs could annihilate a city the size of New York.这些炸弹只消一颗就能彻底毁灭纽约那么大的一座城市。Donating a new library to the school was a munificent gesture.向学校捐助一座新图书馆是慷慨之举。After all the gold was mined, the place became a ghost town.金矿被开采完后,这个地方就变为一座鬼城。He left all his money to the town, with the stipulation that it be used to build a museum.他把所有的钱都留给了该镇,条件是必须用这些钱来建一座博物馆。It's described in the guide book as "an enchanting medieval city".旅游指南将它描述为“一座迷人的中世纪古城”。The town is set on a small hill.小镇坐落在一座小山丘上。We sailed to an offshore island.我们驶向一座海岛。The team plays in a new, purpose-built all-seater stadium.这支球队比赛的是一座崭新的、特地修建的体育馆,每一位观众都有自己的座位。They mounted a small hill.他们登上一座小山。I thought that I'd buy myself a small plot of land and build a house on it.我想我该给自己买一小块地,在上面建一座房子。The building will be replaced, most probably by a modern sports centre.大楼将拆除重建,很可能被一座现代化的体育中心取代。The river had worn away the rock to form a natural bridge.河水冲蚀岩石,形成一座天然的桥。He and his wife July sank their life savings into an unsuccessful attempt to build a marina on a reservoir in Colorado.他和妻子朱莉把毕生的储蓄投资于在科罗拉多河的一座水库上造个小码头的计划,结果投资失败了。If you were cast away on a desert island, what would you miss most?如果你漂流到一座荒岛上,你会最想念什么?She owns a cottage at the beach.她在海滨拥有一座小别墅。The mayor inaugurated a new bridge.市长为一座新桥举行落成典礼。There are plans to build a hotel on the most northerly point of the island.计划在该岛的最北端建一座宾馆。He often dreamed of owning a house right on the beach.他经常梦想拥有一座海边的房子。He was imprisoned in a dungeon.他被关在一座地牢里。The only bridge across the river was a flimsy affair of ropes and rotten wood.河上唯一的一座桥只不过是用绳子和烂木头拼凑出的简易过河通道。He bought a huge house to accommodate his library.他买了一座大房子来放他的藏书。In the distance, beyond the river, was a small town.在河对岸的远处有一座小镇。Steve's favourite fantasy was to own a big house and a flashy car.史蒂夫最爱幻想拥有一座大房子和一辆奢华轿车。His family have a country seat in Oxfordshire.他们家在牛津郡有一座乡村庄园。Florence is such a beautiful city.佛罗伦萨是如此美丽的一座城市。The restaurant was designed in imitation of a Japanese temple.这家餐厅是仿照一座日本寺院设计的。Flood waters washed away one of the main bridges in Pusan.洪水冲垮了釜山的一座主要桥梁。Valence is a sleepy little town just south of Lyon.瓦朗斯是里昂南面一座寂静的小镇。




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