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The company's stocks plumbed new depths this week.本周这家公司的股票价格创了新低。His popularity rating is at an all-time low.他的支持率创下新低。The Pound plunged to a new low on the foreign exchange markets yesterday.昨天在外汇市场上英镑骤跌至新低。The pound has hit a new low against the dollar.英镑对美元的汇率已跌至新低。The euro has fallen to a new low against the dollar.欧元对美元的汇率降到了新低。This movie takes crude gross-out humour to a new low.这部电影把粗鲁的令人作呕的幽默拉到了新低。With this article the newspaper has sunk to a new low.因为这篇文章的缘故,这家报纸的销量降到了历史新低。Last night's harrowing television pictures plumbed new depths of depravity.昨晚触目惊心的电视画面堕落到了新低。Unemployment is at a historic low. 失业率现在创历史新低。The pound plunged to a new low on foreign exchange markets yesterday.在昨天的外汇市场上,英镑突然跌到新低。 |