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词汇 to tie up
例句 I need to tie up a few loose ends before I go on vacation.我去度假前要把一些零星的事情做好。We hope to tie up the deal in the next few days.我们希望在接下来的几天里完成这笔交易。Ryle crouched to tie up his shoelace.赖尔蹲下来系鞋带。They are hoping to tie up the deal before their rivals muscle in.他们希望不等竞争对手介入便能谈妥这笔买卖。The police are trying to tie up the murder with the recent escape from prison.警方正在设法证明这起谋杀案和新近发生的越狱事件有关。 I cut a length of string to tie up the package.我剪下一段细绳来捆扎包裹。There are lots of loose ends to tie up in this case.这一案件有很多扫尾工作需要处理。Kingfisher confirmed that it hopes to tie up a deal within the next two weeks.翠丰集团证实,它希望在接下来的两周内谈妥一笔交易。I rested against a wall for a minute in order to tie up my shoe laces.我靠一会墙来系鞋带。The ship was permitted to tie up in Boston harbour.该船获准在波士顿港口停泊。The project is almost complete, but we still have a few loose ends to tie up.项目差不多完成了,但我们还剩下一些收尾工作。The project is almost finished, but we still have a few final details to tie up. = We still have to tie up some loose ends.这个工程基本完工了,但我们最后还有一些细节要处理。




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