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To illustrate his point, he gave the example of the Amazonian tribe that had no contact with civilization.为阐明自己的观点,他举了与文明世界没有任何接触的亚马孙部落作例子。Astronauts circling the earth are able to keep in touch with civilization by means of radio.环绕地球飞行的宇航员可通过无线电与文明世界保持联系。They marched north to civilization where fame and fortune awaited.他们向北行进到名利唾手可得的文明世界去。How does it feel to be back in civilization after all those weeks in a tent?在帐篷里住了这么多星期,重返舒适的文明世界,感觉如何?He was sick of camping with his family and wanted to get back to civilization and his video games.他厌倦了和家人一起露营的生活,很想回到文明世界玩电子游戏。They face tougher sanctions and ostracism from the civilized world.他们面临更严厉的制裁和文明世界的排斥。The armament of any of the great powers could destroy civilization.任何大国的军事力量都能摧毁文明世界。The terrorist attack on the UN building has shocked the civilized world.恐怖分子对联合国大楼的袭击震惊了文明世界。When it was time to leave and return to civilization we both felt rejuvenated.当就要离开这里返回文明世界时,我们俩都觉得恢复了活力。 |