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词汇 琐事
例句 He often tasks his mind with petty details.他常常为微不足道的琐事而殚思极虑。Many older people help each other in a neighbourly way with shopping or other chores.许多上了年纪的人在购物或其他琐事上都能互帮互助。Don't waste your time and energy on trifles.别把你的时间和精力浪费在琐事上。Mother is devoted to Dad although they squabble all the time.尽管母亲总是为琐事和父亲争吵,但她深爱着父亲。The two men chatted about such trivia as their favourite kinds of fast food.这两个男人闲聊了些诸如彼此最喜欢的快餐这样的琐事I feel like doing something completely frivolous today.今天我只想做点儿琐事The article dredged up details of her unhappy childhood.文章翻出了她不幸的童年琐事There's no reason to argue over such trifles.没有理由为了这些琐事争吵。I can't be bothered with the pissy details.我不会为那些无足轻重的琐事而烦恼的。Then there are all the other bits and pieces involved in a wedding: invitations, photos, and car hire.还有就是其他跟婚礼有关的零星琐事:发请帖、拍照和租车。Don't bother me with little things like that.别以这样的琐事来烦扰我。Some people sue over the most minor things.有些人因鸡毛蒜皮的琐事就起诉。It's the little things that tear apart even the most solid marriages.正是这些琐事让甚至是最牢固的婚姻破裂。Don't waste your time on these trivial things.不要把你的时间浪费在这些琐事上。The trip offers an escape from the banalities of daily life.旅游让人摆脱日常生活的琐事Comedy is so often based on the minutiae of everyday life.喜剧常常取材于日常生活中的琐事Don't bug me with petty details.别拿些琐事来烦我。They would row all the time about petty things.他们会一天到晚为一些琐事争吵不休。Much of his early work is concerned with the minutiae of rural life.他早期的许多作品关注的是农村生活中一些鸡毛蒜皮的琐事I find that I can remember trivia such as old sports results, but I can't remember the things that I really need to remember.我发觉我把以前的运动成绩之类的琐事记得很牢,真的需要我记得的东西我却记不住。The details of everyday/ordinary life can be fascinating.日常/普通的生活琐事可以很精彩。I had forsaken the vanities of the world.我已将人世的无聊琐事置之不理。I spent the rest of their visit gleefully boring them with tedious details.在他们到访余下的时间里,我一直给他们讲些乏味的琐事,把他们烦得够呛,而我则私下窃喜。She always babbles about trifles.她老是唠叨些琐事He's always rowing with his wife about/over trivial things.他总是为一些琐事与妻子吵架。Life continues to be a terrible grind for the ordinary person.生活对于平头百姓而言依然是理不清的琐事But those were mere details.那些不过是无关紧要的琐事The source of the argument was a paltry matter.这次争论是由琐事引起的。His heart is wholly dead to trifles.他完全不把琐事放心上。He and his wife are always fighting over trifling matters.他和他妻子总是为琐事争吵。Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.她对付账单、购买食品等琐事不感兴趣。We shouldn't spend time on such trivialities.我们不应该在这样的琐事上花时间。He gets steamed up over trivial things.他因琐事而生气。She was worn by the solicitudes of daily life.她为担忧日常生活中的琐事而疲惫不堪。I haven't time to worry about such trivia.我没有时间为这种琐事烦恼。He accused me of making a great fuss about trivialities.他指责我为丁点琐事大惊小怪。I have a zillion chores to finish before we can leave.我们离开之前我还有无数的琐事要办。They talked about the slight nothings that comprised their day.他们整天无所事事,尽闲谈着无关紧要的琐事We don't want to waste time dickering about minor matters.我们不愿浪费时间来争论琐事She cared nothing for such trivia.她不在乎这种琐事




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