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词汇 琳达
例句 Linda is totally unpretentious about herself.琳达是一个非常朴实的人。Linda's enthusiasm began to ebb away.琳达的热情开始减退。Linda's face was aglow with happiness.琳达脸上洋溢着幸福。Linda looked wonderful at the party; her hair was long and sleek, her make-up perfect.聚会上,琳达看上去美极了。她一头长发光滑亮泽,化妆无可挑剔。Linda's throat constricted and she started to cry.琳达喉咙发紧,哭了起来。The school board agreed to suspend Linda Cole for the remainder of the school year.校董会一致同意勒令琳达·科尔于本学年余下时间内停学。Linda can't stand mess.琳达无法忍受脏乱。When Linda was a child she had an imaginary friend called Booboo.琳达小时候有一个假想出来的朋友叫波波。Linda and George have only been married for a year and they're already thinking of separating.琳达和乔治结婚才一年,就已经在考虑要分居了。He helped patch up Linda's relationship with her mother.他帮助调解琳达与她母亲的关系。Linda had tremendous admiration for her boss.琳达对她的老板极其钦佩。Linda may call the wedding off.琳达可能会取消婚礼。I didn't know Linda and Mike were separated.我不知道琳达和迈克已分居了。Linda and I stay in touch by sending occasional postcards.我与琳达偶尔寄张明信片来保持联系。Linda was something of a character.琳达可是个有趣的人。Suddenly the teacher saw into Linda's strange actions.教师突然懂得了琳达为何行为那么古怪。Linda, Joan, Donna, and the rest琳达、琼、唐娜以及其他人Linda joined the local Methodist church.琳达加入了当地的卫理公会。Richard pleaded for Belinda to reconsider and not to go through with the divorce.理查德恳求贝琳达再考虑一下,别坚持离婚。A lot of my friends were there—John and Linda, for example.我的许多朋友都到了,比如约翰和琳达Linda's eyes flicked across the map.琳达的眼睛扫过地图。Linda broke off, realizing that she was wrong.琳达意识到她错了,于是不说了。He was settled cosily in the corner with an arm round Lynda.他被安置在一个温暖舒适的角落里,一只胳膊还搂着琳达Belinda watched a patch of sunlight move slowly across the wall.琳达看着一小片阳光从墙的一边缓缓移到另一边。Are you sure Linda's pregnant, or are you just guessing?你肯定琳达是怀孕了,还是只是猜测?Melinda was plain and knew she couldn't compete with her sister where boys were concerned.琳达相貌平平,她知道在吸引男孩子这方面是比不过姐姐的。Linda leapt to her feet, her dark eyes blazing with anger.琳达猛然跳了起来,黑色的眼睛里燃烧着怒火。Belinda was always attracted to men with an androgynous quality to them.琳达常能以自己的中性特质令男人倾心。Linda spends all her time working on the garden.琳达把所有时间都花在打理花园上。If Linda gets that promotion, we'll never hear the end of it.如果琳达得到了提升,她会说个没完没了。The old man downstairs was ill, so Linda said she'd go shopping for him.楼下的老人病了,所以琳达说她可以去代他购物。Linda is a doctor in a ward for premature babies.琳达是早产儿病房的医生。I'll never forget the day Linda told us she was gay.我永远忘不了琳达告诉我们她是同性恋的那一天。Belinda turned away to hide her flushed cheeks.琳达转过身去,以掩饰她绯红的脸颊。Linda's aggressiveness is just a compensation for her feelings of insecurity.琳达的争强好胜只是为了掩饰她缺乏安全感。Linda knew that for both their sakes she must take drastic action.琳达知道,为了他俩,她必须断然行事。Abigail's mother Linda views her daughter's talent with a mixture of pride and worry.阿比盖尔的母亲琳达带着一种又骄傲又担忧的复杂情绪看待女儿的才华。It's been about five years since I've seen Linda.我有大概五年没见到琳达了。Linda leant out of the widow and shouted out my name.琳达把身子探出窗外,大声喊我的名字。Linda copied down Eddie's name and address just in case.琳达抄下了埃迪的姓名地址,以备不时之需。




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