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词汇 琢磨
例句 The supervisor played around with our work schedules this week.主管琢磨了一下,修改了我们这周的工作安排。I was wondering about that.我正在琢磨那件事。We can only guess/imagine/wonder what they will do next.我们只能猜测/想象/琢磨他们下一步会做什么。It took me the longest time to figure out how to open the windows.我花了很长时间才琢磨出怎样把窗子打开。You chip away at the problem until somebody comes up with the right answer.你们要不断地琢磨这个问题直到有人得出正确答案为止。The pub went silent as the villagers digested the news.小酒馆静了下来,村民们都在琢磨这条新闻。I debated going back inside.琢磨着回屋里去。It requires some pains to spell out those decorations.琢磨出那些勋章表彰的是什么要花很大的力气。Clarke considered how he would use his knowledge about Macy.克拉克琢磨怎样才能利用他对梅西的了解。The sculptor's chisel slowly eroded the stone slab.雕刻家的凿子慢慢地琢磨着石板。He gauged possible enemy moves and his own responses.琢磨了一下敌人可能采取的行动和自己的应对措施。People are having to think hard about their holiday plans.人们现在得仔细地琢磨自己的度假计划。When they couldn't raise you, they figured you were in trouble.他们向你呼叫没叫通,他们就琢磨着你是出问题了。His ideas do not stand up to close examination.他的观念经不起仔细琢磨Brian paused for a moment while he digested the implications of this statement.布赖恩停了片刻,琢磨这句话的言外之意。Taggart debated whether to have yet another double vodka.塔格特琢磨着是否再来一杯双份伏特加。I looked at Chris, trying to gauge his reaction.我看着克里斯,琢磨着他会作出什么样的反应。Were you thinking in terms of the entire test?你是在琢磨整个考试吗?She mulled over these scraps of evidence.她仔细琢磨着这些零零星星的证据。Who could that be at the door, I wonder?琢磨着,在门口的人会是谁呢?I spent a good deal of time thinking about it.我花了大量时间来琢磨这件事。He didn't explain anything. No, we just had to figure it out for ourselves.他未作任何解释。一点也没有,我们只能靠自己去琢磨Jay stood still for a moment, pondering whether to go or not.杰伊静静地站了一会儿,琢磨着要不要去。With more thought and care this would have been a first-class essay.要是再认真琢磨一下,就是一篇一流的文章了。As he studied the picture of the little boy, he began to turn an idea over in his mind.他在琢磨小男孩的相片时,脑子里开始反复思考着一个想法。He began to turn the scheme over in his mind.他开始仔细琢磨这个计划。Alexander II was an obscure but nevertheless interesting Scottish king.亚历山大二世是一位让人难以琢磨但仍然很有趣的苏格兰国王。He debated whether to make a joke about shooting rabbits, but decided against it.他心里琢磨是否该开个有关打兔子的玩笑,但决定还是算了。I'm trying to figure out how to plug the scanner into my computer.我正在努力琢磨如何把扫描仪连到我的计算机上。He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.他需要征询别人的意见,而不是自己琢磨I wondered if he'd brought a goon along with him.琢磨他是不是带了打手。It took her a long time to figure out who the wrongdoer was.她用了很长时间才琢磨出谁是做坏事的人。




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