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词汇 整件事
例句 Oh, the whole episode was entirely his fault.唉,整件事完全是他的错。He was stretching the truth to make the story more interesting.他夸大事实,以使整件事更加有趣。He took rather a sledgehammer approach to the whole thing.他对整件事采取的是大锤敲胡桃的方法。This whole business is very puzzling. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye.整件事非常令人费解,远比看起来复杂。The whole thing is foreign to us.我们对整件事不了解。Why don't we just forget the whole thing.我们干脆把整件事忘了吧。They planned the whole thing out.他们精心策划了整件事The whole thing looks distinctly dodgy to me.整件事在我看来分明很诡诈。She had to work the whole thing out in her head and got the answer right on the nose.她必须在脑子里把整件事想清楚并得出准确答案。The whole thing was so depressing - it made me want to give up and go home.整件事令人十分沮丧—我真想就此放弃回家去。Kate's still so angry about the whole thing.凯特仍对整件事愤愤不平。She might easily decide to cancel the whole thing.她很有可能决定把整件事全部取消。The whole thing was a setup.整件事就是一桩栽赃。I am very bored with this entire business.我对整件事都感到厌倦了。It was a real scandal, but the school tried to cover the whole thing up.这是真正的丑闻,学校却试图把整件事掩盖起来。The whole thing reeks of hypocrisy.整件事显然透着虚伪。She's been extremely patient about it all.她对整件事一直极有耐心。She complained bitterly about the unfairness of it all.她愤愤不平地抱怨整件事是多么不公正。She was quite frank about the whole thing.她对整件事直言不讳。She told us the full story, in fits and starts.她断断续续地把整件事讲给我们听。The whole thing is a muddle.整件事是一团乱麻。I thought the whole business was dead and buried.我以为这整件事已经完全了结了。The whole episode was symptomatic of the US determination to avoid another Cuba.整件事表现了美国避免出现另一个古巴的决心。The whole affair smacked of a government cover-up.整件事有政府企图掩盖的迹象。The whole incident had been quite extraordinary.整件事都非常不可思议。He couldn't have planned the whole thing by himself.他不可能独自计划了整件事Her attitude to the whole thing really cheeses me off!她对这整件事的态度真是把我烦透了。The whole thing is a bit ironic considering the Europeans are not indigenous here.欧洲人不是这里的土著,这样想来,整件事有点好笑。I think we should just forget the whole thing.我觉得我们应该把整件事忘掉。I think it best to draw a veil over the whole incident.我认为这整件事最好是避而不谈。I'm absolutely fed up with the whole thing.我对这整件事厌烦透了。The whole thing is a farce, a big joke.整件事是一场闹剧,一个大笑话。If you ask me, the whole thing sucks.要我说的话,整件事糟透了。She had serious misgivings about the whole affair, but they proved unfounded.她对整件事疑虑重重,结果证明她的担心是毫无根据的。There's something very strange about this whole affair.整件事都非常离奇。The whole thing was a disaster from beginning to end.整件事从头到尾都糟糕透了。The whole thing sounds very suspicious to me.整件事在我听来十分可疑。Tell me the whole story, right from the beginning.给我讲一下整件事,从头讲。The baron became increasingly heated over the hypocrisy of it all.男爵对整件事的虚伪愈发感到怒火中烧。That crash was no accident. They had the whole thing planned out to get insurance money.那次撞车事故绝不是意外。他们精心策划了整件事以骗取保险金。




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