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例句 We have benefited from a spillover of prosperity from neighboring states. 我们已经从邻近各州的繁荣所产生的辐射效应中受益。These stimulant effects of caffeine are not long-lasting.咖啡因的兴奋效应并不持久。The consensus is that risk factors have an accumulative effect.人们的共识是,风险因素具有累积效应It's cold outside, and it feels even colder because of the windchill.今天外面有些冷,可风寒效应让人觉得更冷。What makes a speech politically effective?什么能使一次演说产生政治效应The effect can be amplified by reflecting the light back and forth a few times through the sample.把光在样品中来回反射数次,就可以把效应加强。The city hopes that these improvements will have a snowball effect and spur private investment in the community.这座城市希望这些改善措施可以带来滚雪球效应,刺激本地区的私人投资。In a reflex, the effector muscle acts before your brain is able to think.在做反射动作时,效应肌肉在大脑意识之前就做出反应。Nearby stores were getting some spillover from the festival. 邻近的商店从节庆效应中获益。The more successful you become, the more publicity you get and that publicity generates sales. It's a kind of snowball effect.你越成功,你的媒体曝光度也高,这种曝光度可产生销售额。这是一种雪球效应Unemployment is consistently linked with a variety of negative health effects.失业总是与各种各样的负面健康效应有关联。The domino effect if one train is cancelled is enormous.取消一趟列车所产生的多米诺效应是巨大的。There were no adverse toxicological effects.没有有害的毒理学效应The one effect tends to cancel the other out.一种效应往往会抵消另一种。The delay created a domino effect , disrupting deliveries around the country.这次延迟引起了多米诺效应,影响了全国的运送任务。They claim the effects of global warning may be reversible.他们声称全球变暖效应可能会逆转。Scientists have been unable to explain the exact mechanism behind this effect.科学家一直不能解释这种效应背后的确切机制。It's the political silly season, and this policy is a very silly idea which seems more about public relations than solutions.现在是政治无聊时节,这一政策很无聊,与其说是寻求解决方案,不如说是为了取得公关效应She looked pretty hot to me but maybe I had my beer goggles on.她看起来性感迷人,但也有可能只是我的啤酒效应There is a growing body of evidence pointing to these effects.表明这些效应的证据越来越多。New technology has a positive spillover effect into countless fields.新技术对无数领域都产生了积极的辐射效应A synergy has developed among the different groups working on this project.在参与这一项目的各个团队之间,已经产生了协同增效的效应Flight delays brought adverse publicity for the airline.航班延误给航空公司带来了负面的宣传效应




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