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词汇 撞到
例句 He hit the floor with a sickening thud.撞到地板上,发出一声令人厌恶的闷响。There was a sickening sound as his head made contact with the concrete.他的头撞到水泥地上时,发出一声令人毛骨悚然的声响。He lost his balance, staggered back against the rail and toppled over.他失去平衡,往后趔趄了一下,撞到栏杆摔倒了。I struck my knee against the leg of the table.我的膝盖撞到了桌腿。He accidentally smacked his head against the shelf.他不小心砰地把头撞到了架子上。A vehicle barreled out of a shopping center and crashed into the side of my car.一辆汽车从购物中心飞也似的冲出来,一头撞到了我车子的一侧。He turned around and smacked into a wall.他一转身撞到了墙。Watch out! You nearly hit that car.当心!你差点撞到那辆车。He hit his head against the table when he fell and knocked himself out.他倒下时头撞到桌子,失去了知觉。The car mounted the pavement and crashed into a lamp post.汽车开上人行道,撞到了路灯柱上。His car mounted the kerb and ploughed into a bus queue.他的汽车冲上路缘,撞到了排队等候公共汽车的人。One of the other players banged into her, knocking her to the ground.另一个球员撞到她身上,使她跌倒在地Morse knocked his shin against a suitcase standing just inside the door.莫尔斯胫部撞到了放在门内侧的手提箱上。I turned too sharply and ran into the curb.我拐弯太急,撞到了路沿上。He bumped into the table and knocked over the candle.撞到了桌子,把蜡烛碰倒了。He almost bumped into me as he rushed past.他飞奔而过时几乎撞到我。He accidentally banged his knee against the door.他不小心把膝盖撞到了门上。She bumped her head really hard on the door.她的头狠狠地撞到门上。Another skater bumped into him and knocked/threw him off balance.另一个滑冰者撞到他身上,使他失去了平衡。Steady! You almost ran into me!当心!你差点撞到我!He got a knock on the head when he fell.他跌了一跤,撞到了头。There was a heavy thud as his body hit the floor.他的身体撞到地上时,发出了沉闷的响声。He slipped, banging his guitar against the door.他滑了一下,把吉他撞到了门上。A car shot out of the junction and smashed into the back of them.一辆车从交叉路口飞驰而出,撞到了他们汽车的尾部。The driver failed to negotiate a bend and ran into a tree.司机没能顺利拐弯,撞到了树上。He stopped suddenly, and I went crashing into him.他突然停下来,我撞到了他身上。She banged her head and lost consciousness.撞到了头,失去了知觉。He smashed into the wall.他猛地撞到了墙上。The driver swerved to avoid a child, and crashed into a signpost.司机急转弯避开一个小孩,结果撞到了路标上。There was a jerk as the boat bumped against something.撞到什么东西,猛颠了一下。I skidded and went bang into the wall.我脚下一滑,猛然撞到了墙上。The bus just missed the wall.那辆公共汽车差一点撞到墙上。Her car ran off the road and into a tree.她的汽车冲出路面,撞到一棵树上。The ship hit an iceberg and sank like a stone.那艘船撞到冰山后迅速下沉。The boat thumped against the side of the pier.船砰的一声撞到了桥墩上。Another car shot out of a junction and smashed into the back of them.另一辆车从交叉路口飞驰而出,撞到了他们汽车的尾部。Tyler injured his shoulder when he crashed into Jesse Lyons during practice.泰勒训练的时候撞到杰西·莱昂斯,肩部受了伤。He ran over a child as he was driving home.他开车回家时撞到了一个小孩。Tom bashed his knee against the table.汤姆的膝盖撞到了桌子。The truck hit a wall at high speed, virtually demolishing it.卡车高速撞到一堵墙上,几乎把墙撞毁了。




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