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词汇 有一次
例句 The parade lumbers through town once a year.游行队伍每年都会有一次浩浩荡荡的穿城游行。I got horribly drunk once at college and that was enough - I learned my lesson.我上大学时有一次喝酒醉得很厉害,那一次就够了——以后我就接受教训了。Halfway through the performance there was a short musical interlude.演出进行到一半时,有一次短暂的幕间间歇。You know what they say: you only live once.你知道人们是怎么说的:生命只有一次I remember coming home from school one time and finding we'd been burgled.我记得有一次放学回家发现家里被盗了。For once you leave bang on time for work.你终于有一次准点上班去了。Once when we were going to Paris, I forgot my passport.有一次我们准备去巴黎时,我忘了带护照。The tour includes a lunch stop.旅行中有一次午餐暂歇。I'd met him at a dance I'd gone to on my own. But that's another story.有一次独自去参加舞会时遇上了他。但那是题外话了。He has a speaking engagement every night this week.他本周每晚都有一次演讲活动。I once heard her weeping in her bedroom, which cut me to the quick.有一次,我听见她在卧室里哭泣,这深深地刺痛了我的心。I recently had a chance to sit down with Britain's Foreign Secretary.我最近与英国外交大臣有一次会面。They took separate holidays at least once every two years.他们每两年至少有一次各自去度假。Only once in his life had Douglas permitted himself to lose control of his emotions.道格拉斯一生中只有一次情绪失控。We'd had a brush with death that left us terrified.我们有一次差点丢掉了性命,事后觉得很后怕。She once called me a liar - I've never forgiven her.有一次,她叫我骗子—我始终不曾原谅她。Mary once dreamed of God.玛丽有一次梦见了上帝。In one instance, several people had their phones stolen.有一次好几个人的手机都被偷了。We cannot afford another slip-up.我们承受不起再有一次失误了。He once seized my knitting, flinging it across the room.有一次他抓过我织的东西,把它扔到了屋子的另一头。Bob was truant from school once when he went fishing.鲍勃有一次逃学去钓鱼。There will now be a short intermission.现在要有一次短暂的中场休息。She was unable, for once, to control and manipulate events.她仅有一次没能控制和处理好局势。I did not see him again, except for a brief encounter on a train.除了有一次在火车上短暂相遇,我没再看见过他。I saw her in a towering rage only once.我只有一次见过她大发雷霆。He was zapped with a finance charge because of a single late payment.因为有一次未能按期付款,他不得不额外支付一笔财务费。For once, I managed to finish the book I was writing ahead of schedule.有一次我提前写完了书。I remember once it snowed on my birthday, and I was so excited.记得有一次我生日那天正好下雪,我多么兴奋啊。He had only one shot at goal.他仅有一次射门得分。I have seen them play many times, but never as thrillingly and flawlessly as tonight.他们的演出我看过很多次,可从未有一次像今晚这样令人心醉,完美无缺。On one occasion, his father took him to the zoo.有一次,他父亲带他去了动物园。I remember one particular incident when he almost drove his car off a cliff.我记得有一次他差点把车开下悬崖。Bernard was once collared by an aggressive stranger in Soho.有一次,伯纳德在索霍区被一个气势汹汹的陌生人拦住,硬要与他说话。On one occasion he even called me in the middle of the night.有一次他甚至半夜给我打电话。I heard him plead in court only once.我只有一次听到他在法庭上作辩护。They missed a payment on their car loan.他们的汽车贷款有一次分期付款没有支付。She had on one occasion threatened to strike lecturing.她曾有一次威胁说要罢教。He will be due for another raise in June.他在六月份还会有一次加薪。Ron has been right about the result of every General Election but one.罗恩对于历届大选结果都预测对了,只有一次除外。Once, for a joke, they changed round all the numbers on the doors.有一次他们开了个玩笑,把门牌号码全都调换了。




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