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词汇 有个性
例句 Matthew is a promising young dancer with lots of stage personality.马修是一位很有前途的青年舞蹈演员,台风很有个性Dublin people dress more individually than people in London or wherever.都柏林人比伦敦或任何其他地方的人都穿得有个性When you're off the reservation, people take you not as an individual but as an Indian.在居留地以外,人们不把你看作一个有个性的人,而只把你当作印第安人。She was a leader of great character and tremendous personal charm.她是一位非常有个性、极具个人魅力的领导。How did you evolve this very personal and original style?你是怎样逐步形成这种很有个性且具独创性的风格的? Most artists are very individualistic.大多数艺术家都非常有个性Billie Holiday or Bessie Smith had more personality than a hundred of today's pop singers.不管是比利·霍利迪也好,贝茜·史密斯也好,都比当今一百个流行乐歌手加起来还要有个性There's a luscious young tomato working in our office.我们办公室有个性感又漂亮的女孩。




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