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词汇 接送
例句 He serviced the railway station with his one-horse cab.他用单匹马车在火车站接送旅客。I do the school run for all the children and it will be very difficult if I have to take the girls to different schools.几个孩子上学放学都由我来接送,如果我不得不让女儿们上不同的学校,那可给我出了个大难题。We provide transportation to and from school.我们接送学生上下学。Buses shuttled passengers from the car park to the airport terminal.摆渡车在停车场和机场航站楼之间往返接送乘客。This means there will not have to be any busing to achieve a racial balance in the school.这意味着学校将不必提供校车接送服务以实现种族平衡。Every day, a plane arrives to ferry guests to and from Bird Island Lodge.每天都有一架飞机来伯德岛度假屋接送客人。There are regular limousine services from the airport.机场有定时接送旅客的中客车服务。The package will be sent directly to your home.包裹将直接送到你家。The school bus was late for its afternoon pickup.学校班车下午接送时晚点了。A van at the hotel transports guests to and from the airport.宾馆有辆面包车接送往来于机场的客人。It was taken right there on a conveyor belt.它被传送带直接送到了那边。It should be possible to deliver the drug direct to the target site.将药品直接送到目标位置应该是可能的。The charity is appealing for volunteers to take elderly patients to and from hospital.该慈善团体正在征集志愿者接送老年患者往返医院。We provide transport to and from school.我们提供上学和放学的接送The school bus takes them to school and brings them back.校车接送他们上下学。The chauffeur drove them straight to the studio.司机开车把他们直接送到了摄影棚。A taxi service from the airport will be provided.将提供机场出租车接送服务。Skinner uses the plane to squire around bureaucrats.斯金纳用飞机接送官员。




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