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词汇 我方
例句 After hearing of the victory of our side, we spent the whole of that evening making whoopee.获悉我方获胜后,那天整晚我们都在狂欢中度过。Our plan is to hit the enemy before they can hit us.我们的计划是在敌方攻击我方之前攻击敌人。As a reply to the enemy's move, our general brought up his tanks.作为对敌人行动的回答,我方将军把他的坦克调了上来。This financial agreement does not imply any acceptance of liability on our part.这一金融协议并不意味着我方同意承担任何责任。We lost the game when one of our players scored an own goal for the other team.我方一名队员打进一个乌龙球使我们输掉了比赛。Although badly out-numbered by the enemy, we had vastly superior firepower.尽管敌军兵力大大超过我方,但是我们的火力占绝对优势。This information is strictly confidential and is given without responsibility on our part.这消息绝密,提供后我方概不负责。I hope you'll think about my offer. I'm sure we can do business.希望你能考虑一下我方的报价。我相信我们能做成这笔生意。Our side beat the other in the match.我方在竞赛中击败了对方。Our plane was spotting for mortar fire.我方飞机在为迫击炮火探明敌军阵地的位置。I am given to understand that he was swearing throughout the game at our fans.我得知整场比赛中他一直冲着我方球迷骂个不停。We shall be able to tell whether you've kept your side of the bargain.我方应能知道你方是否遵守了协议。Our spies report that troops are being moved to the border.我方谍报人员报告部队正在向边境调动。His strong performance in the second half swung the game in our favor.他在下半场的强劲表现使比赛形势有利于我方The judge ruled in our favor.法官判定我方胜诉。We hope the final decision will be in our favor.我们希望最终决定对我方有利。The terrorists had been kept under constant surveillance by our officers.恐怖分子已受到我方人员不间断的监视。This business with John has quite put me off my stroke.跟约翰的这档子事让我方寸大乱。Our financial consultants can advise the small investor.我方的财务顾问能够向小额投资者提供咨询。Our bombers worked over the enemy advance positions.我方轰炸机炸遍敌人的各前沿阵地。Our camp is reinforced with supplies flown in by helicopter.我方营地靠直升机空投加强补给。The enemy battleship bore down on us.敌舰已向我方逼近。If delivery is delayed, we will inform you immediately.如果交货要延期,我方将马上通知你方。We agree to assume all risks of the acts and/or omissions of our agents.我们同意承担由我方代理人的行为与We don't know what the decision will be, but we think the odds are in our favor.虽不知道这一决定会是什么,但我们认为我方胜算较大。Our fighters ranged the sky above the bombers for the enemy.我方战斗机群在轰炸机上方的高空搜索敌机。The increase in the strength of their navy is canceled by that in our army.他们海军力量的增强和我方陆军力量的增强两者起了相互抵消的作用。The enemy was shot down by our anti-aircraft fire.敌机被我方的高射砲火击落。Enemy troops are closing in all around us!敌军正在对我方形成包围!Our candidate's plan has a different emphasis.我方候选人的计划有着不同的侧重点。Our patrols on all our fronts contacted no enemy today.今天我方在各条战线上的巡逻队均未遭遇敌人。Enemy aircraft were detected by our radar.敌机被我方雷达发现。Our resources in men and ammunition were inadequate for the defence of the town.我方兵力和弹药不敷守卫该城之需。That we are expelled from participation in international organizations is bound to have profound ramifications upon the relations between our two countries.我方被拒绝参加国际组织势必将对两国的关系产生深远的延伸性影响。I detected a subtle shift towards / toward our point of view.我察觉到了一丝倾向赞同我方所持观点的细微变化。If our proposal is acceptable to you, please confirm by return.我方建议如可接受,请即函告。Any incidental costs are chargeable to us.任何附加杂费可由我方支付。I restated our readiness to resume negotiations.我重申我方准备重开谈判的意向。




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