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词汇 cigarettes
例句 He had gone out to get the gin. The cigarettes were nowhere.他去外边拿杜松子酒了,烟不知放哪儿了。More people are habituated to cigarettes than to drugs or alcohol in this country.在这个国家,烟民比瘾君子或酒鬼要多。Stores will be fined for selling cigarettes or tobacco to minors.商店向未成年人出售香烟或烟草要被罚款。Most pregnant women remain off cigarettes while carrying the child.大多数孕妇都在孕期戒了烟。Bill wastes all his money on beer and cigarettes.比尔把钱都浪费在啤酒和香烟上。There's absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don't include poisonous substances.根本没有法规来确保香烟不含有毒物质。He dragged on the cigarettes as he wrote.他一边写一边抽烟。He patted the pockets of the coat and brought out a pack of cigarettes.他拍了拍外套的口袋,取出一盒香烟。They disengaged. He reached for his cigarettes.他们停止了拥抱。他伸手去拿香烟。Women are smoking two extra cigarettes a week, compared with four years ago.与四年前相比, 现在女性每周要多抽两支烟。I've tried herbal cigarettes, but I don't like them.我曾试过药草香烟,但是我不喜欢。He took a package of cigarettes out of his pocket.他从口袋里掏出一包烟。He averages one pack of cigarettes a day.他平均每天抽一包香烟。The government has slapped more tax on cigarettes.政府已对香烟强制征收更高的税。The usual enemies, cigarettes and alcohol, are targeted for tax rises.常见危害物,如香烟和酒类,将作为提高税收的对象。Humphrey claims that the tobacco industry hid evidence that cigarettes were addictive.汉弗莱声称,烟草行业隐瞒了香烟使人上瘾的证据。The car smelled faintly of cigarettes.车里隐隐散发出香烟味。He spends all his money on beer and cigarettes.他所有的钱都用在啤酒和香烟上。Soon they were rolling, lighting and puffing cigarettes.很快他们笑得前仰后合,点燃香烟吸起来。He claimed he had bought the cigarettes for home consumption.他声称他买烟是为了在家享用。The risk of cancer increases with the number of cigarettes you smoke.吸烟越多,得癌的危险就越大。Packets of cigarettes must carry a government health warning.香烟盒上必须印有政府的健康警告。Some smokers don't like cigarettes with tips.有的烟民不喜欢抽有滤嘴的纸烟。A pair of teenage boys were smoking cigarettes.两个十来岁的男孩正在吸烟。There was a pervasive smell of cigarettes.空气中弥漫着烟味。She smokes cigarettes with filters.她抽过滤嘴香烟。Stores are forbidden to sell alcohol and cigarettes to minors.商店禁止向未成年人出售烟酒。They no longer advertise alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events.他们不再在体育赛事上做烟酒广告了。She reached in her purse for cigarettes.她把手伸进手提包里拿烟。Women who take a contraceptive pill and who also smoke cigarettes dramatically increase their chances of heart disease.女性既服用避孕药又吸烟会大大增加患心脏病的机会。Please extinguish all cigarettes now.现在请熄灭所有的烟。He bought a month's supply of cigarettes.他买了够抽一个月的香烟。I only used to have one or two cigarettes, but then I got into the habit of it.我以前只抽一两根香烟,可后来就成为习惯了。The organization ran a national campaign about the dangers of cigarettes and other tobacco products.该组织进行了一场全国的活动,宣传香烟及其他烟草产品的危害。Okay, you two, the game's up! Give me the cigarettes - this time I'm telling your parents.好了,你俩,狐狸尾巴露出来了!把烟给我——这回我可要告诉你们的父母了。I was getting cigarettes at the kiosk.我正在售货亭买烟。You know these funny cigarettes I smoke?你了解我抽的这些味道怪异的香烟吧?You can buy cigarettes duty-free on board.你能在飞机上购买免税香烟。The company aims to lure smokers back to cigarettes.该公司旨在把吸烟人士诱回到香烟上来。Although the tax on cigarettes has doubled in the past two years, sales are still going up.尽管过去两年来对香烟的征税提高了一倍,香烟的销售仍在增加。




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