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词汇 proportion
例句 All is in admirable proportion.一切都非常匀称协调。A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals.新来的人中很大一部分是技术熟练的专业人士。Her feet are small in proportion to her height.她的脚相对于她的身高来说很小。A large proportion of the best citizens hated his despotism.一大部分最好的公民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。The story was blown out of proportion in the newspapers.报纸上这个报道被渲染过度了。The radio station has to include a substantial proportion of classical music.该电台不得不播放大量的古典音乐。The costs of the plan are out of proportion to the budget available.计划的成本与现有的预算不成比例。Let's keep things in proportion.我们别把事情看得太糟。A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die.那片区域里的大部分海豚终将死去。His head is large in proportion to his body. 从人体比例看,他的头偏大。My interest in his books declined in inverse proportion to his popularity. 他的名气越大,我反而越不喜欢他的书了。The temperature rises in proportion to the decrease in pressure.温度随着压力的降低而上升。Ricky's head is small in proportion to the rest of his body.与身体其他部分相比,里基的头很小。Your pension will be based on a proportion of your final salary.你的退休金以最终薪金为基础按一定比例给付。Imports of foodstuffs accounted for a small proportion of total imports.食品进口仅占进口总额的一小部分。His criticisms were all out of proportion.他的批评太过分了。You have not done your proportion of the work.你的那份工作还未完成。The size of the window seems out of proportion with the height of the wall.窗户的大小似乎与墙的高度不成比例。Babies have big heads in proportion to their bodies.与身体相比,婴儿的脑袋都大。I'd advise anyone to put aside a proportion of their earnings - a penny saved is a penny earned.我建议人们把收入的一部分存起来——储蓄一文赚一文。A small proportion of people in the group was left-handed.这个组里小部分人是左撇子。A proportion of the rent is met by the city council.一部分租金由市政委员会支付。The new jobs would largely be unskilled and a high proportion would be in inner city areas.新职位大都不需要技术,而且大部分都在市中心贫民区。A large proportion of occupiers now own their homes.大部分住户现在都拥有了自己的房子。This issue was about to be blown out of proportion.这个问题快要被夸大得没边没沿儿了。The problem has been exaggerated out of all proportion.问题被过分夸大了。A small proportion of solids became insolubilized during boiling.一小部分固体物质在沸煮过程中不溶于水了。Offenders should be punished in proportion to the gravity of their offences.应按罪行严重程度给予罪犯相应的惩罚。What she paid was out of all proportion to the picture's real value.她付的钱与这幅画的实际价值完全不成比例。The company has an unusually high proportion of young people at the top.公司高层中年轻人的比例高得非同寻常。It was just a simple disagreement. Don't blow it up out of all proportion.这只是个小小的分歧,别把它说严重了。The chart shows government spending expressed as a proportion of national income.这幅图表说明了政府开支在国民收入中所占的比重。The proportion of butter to sugar is about two to one.黄油与白糖的比例大约是二比一。A sense of proportion would not go amiss in all of this.在这种情况下有点分寸感应该还是有好处的。The charge is in proportion to the person's income.费用与个人收入相匹配。A significant proportion of the elderly are dependent on the basic state pension.老年人中很大一部分依靠基本政府养老金过活。The most striking feature of those statistics is the high proportion of suicides.那些统计数据最引人注目之处是其极高的自杀率。Sunday magazines include a high proportion of advertisements.周日杂志含有大量广告。The fear of violent crime has now risen out of all proportion to the actual risk.对暴力犯罪的恐惧大大超出了其实际危险。A greater proportion of people with first degrees are now going on to study for higher degrees.现在有更多具有学士学位的人继续深造以获得更高学位。




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