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Mr Hardman was a popular teacher, renowned for his sense of humor.哈德曼先生是位广受欢迎的教师,他的幽默感非常有名。Steadman was nosed out of first place.斯特德曼以微弱劣势丢掉第一名的位置。He was Haldeman's choice as the next Republican national chairman.他是霍尔德曼选中的下届共和党全国主席。You and Friedman are hand in glove. You knew their decision all along.你和佛里德曼关系亲密,你一直都清楚他们的决定。Stedman spent nine months recovering in a naval hospital.斯特德曼在一家海军医院进行了九个月的康复治疗。During his six years in office, Seidman has often locked horns with lawmakers.在任的六年中,塞德曼经常和立法议员争得不可开交。 |