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词汇 chaotic
例句 The city is a sprawling chaotic metropolis of some eight million residents.这是一个杂乱无章地扩展的大都市,有八百万左右的人口。He began to rummage among the chaotic mess of papers on his desk.他开始在写字台上一堆乱七八糟的文件中翻找。Several games have ended in chaotic scenes.好几场比赛在乱哄哄的场面中结束。We then backtrack through Xavier's chaotic life.然后我们回顾了泽维尔的混乱生活。There is no excuse for this chaotic state of affairs.事情弄得如此之乱,已经没有什么理由可说了。Mullins began to rummage among the chaotic mess of papers on his desk.马林斯开始在桌子上一堆乱七八糟的文件里翻来翻去。Newscasts continued to broadcast images of the chaotic minutes after the shooting.新闻节目里继续播放着枪击事件发生后现场一片混乱的画面。A chaotic scene greeted them.呈现在他们面前的是一片混乱的场面。On New Year's Eve I usually give a party, which is always chaotic.我通常在除夕举行派对,总是很闹。The situation at the border was chaotic, with thousands of refugees arriving every day.随着每天成千上万难民的到来,边界地区的形势一片混乱。Things can be a little chaotic in our house.我们家里有时会有点儿乱。My own house feels as filthy and chaotic as a bus terminal.我自家的房子感觉又脏又乱,活像公共汽车终点站。Things have been getting chaotic in the office recently.最近办公室的情况变得一团糟。It was really chaotic just before the show started.演出开始前真是一片混乱。The plateau sloped down, to the south, toward outcroppings of rock that gave the landscape a chaotic look.高原缓缓地倾斜下去,南边为一片露出地面的岩层,呈现出一种乱石嶙峋的地貌。The house is a bit chaotic at the moment - we've got all these extra people staying and we're still decorating.房子里现在有点混乱——我们有客人在这里而且还在进行装修。After he became famous, his life became even more chaotic.他成名后,生活变得更加混乱。Things are a bit chaotic at the moment.目前情况有些混乱。Things often appear chaotic to the outsider.在外人看来事情常常显得一片混乱。We flew on the day after Christmas and the situation at the airport was completely chaotic.我们是在圣诞节翌日乘飞机的,那天机场里混乱不堪。




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