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词汇 chap
例句 The poor old chap's brain's going dis.那可怜老头的脑子快不管用了。Martin is a quiet, contemplative sort of chap.马丁是个不爱讲话、喜欢沉思默想的小伙子。I never can make that chap out, or tell whether he is in earnest or only chaffing.那家伙真叫我捉摸不透,他那些话,我不知道是当真的,还是不过跟我闹着玩的。I'm sorry, old chap, I'd no idea things had been so bloody for you.对不起,老伙计,我不知道你过得如此不幸。Who's the tall, dark-haired chap?那个黑头发的高个男人是谁?The chap she danced with was a very good friend of mine.和她跳舞的小伙子是我非常要好的朋友。He was an immensely likeable chap.他是一个无比可爱的家伙。He is a clubbable chap.他是个爱交朋友的人。Take care, old chap.小心点,老兄。He's a friendly sort of chap. 他是个很友好的家伙。I lost a patient today. Young chap. Postoperative haemorrhage.今天我未能救活一个病人。是个年轻的小伙子,死于手术后大出血。Inside, he's a good chap.他本性上是个好人。She thought he was a very nice chap.她觉得他是个大好人。Poor chap — he was killed in an air crash.不幸的家伙,他死于空难。Just another surveillance job, old chap. Piece of cake to somebody like you.老伙计,只不过又是一份盯梢的活。对你这样的人来说还不是小菜一碟。Don't worry old chap. It'll be all right.老兄,别担心。不会有事的。Bill's such a nice chap.比尔是个相当不错的家伙。Don't worry, old chap, it'll be all right.别担心,老伙计,会好起来的。He's a nice chap.他是个很棒的小子。He's a dozy old chap.他是个愚蠢的老家伙。I had to dig up a chap who was willing to interpret.我得找到一位愿意当译员的人。He's a decent sort of chap.他是个正派的家伙。Are you all right, old chap?.你还好吗,老家伙?Never say die, old chap, there's still a chance she'll change her mind.别气馁,老兄,她还是有可能回心转意的。The poor old chap was very shaken by the experience.这个可怜的老家伙被这次经历给吓坏了。My grandson is a grand little chap.我孙子是个特了不起的小家伙。He's a reasonable sort of chap.他是个理智的家伙。Poor chap, he was clearly in dire straits financially.可怜的家伙,他显然是在经济上陷入困境了。Good night, old chap. I'll be over again one of these days.晚安,老弟。我过几天还会再来的。I don't think he's a bad chap.我认为他不是个坏家伙。Neil was a gentle good-natured chap, the type of man you instantly trust and feel comfortable around.尼尔是个性格温和的小伙子,是那种你看一眼就会信任、就会觉得很舒服的人。He was a pleasant chap but didn't talk much.他是个讨人喜欢的家伙,但不怎么说话。Well, going off the subject a minute, what about that Uri Geller chap?我扯开一会,尤里·盖勒那个家伙怎么样了?He's not such a bad chap really.其实这个家伙还不坏。He's a friendly sort of a chap.他是个挺友好的家伙。




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